Video Cumulus (4-11-2012)

Just a few of the kite flying videos we’ve enjoyed over the past couple of weeks…

Some new, some older, but all great representations of kiting skill and spirit!

A dancer and a kite flier on a theater stage….
Thanks to Grace Antonette to have danced with us and
thanks to Luca ciaccio Armaroli for the beautiful light design.

Slash promo video from l’Atelier, stunning display of flying and aerial video.
Pilots: Nicolas Le Roux, Gregory Reynes and Mathieu Mayet.

“Mid-Vent Soul”
Dave Costello flying in Las Vegas

Prism Kite’s trickshow posted by Anthony Eichele
on Vimeo with permission from Mark Reed.

Trick Kite Freestyle
Tim Benson tears it up on a Deep Space

Tribute Video from Kite Party X