Author Archives: Bruce Lambert

Issue 42: Laminating a Bamboo Spine

There is one aspect of bamboo spines in fighter kites I have never liked. I [...]

Issue 38: Bruce Lambert’s Tips – Adjusting a fighter kite for optimum performance!

Here’s the goal or objective for adjusting a fighter kite: Adjust the kite so its [...]

Issue 38: Tangler Fighter Kite Plans

Specifications [fourcol_one]Sail Bow Spine Battens[/fourcol_one] [twocol_one]Ultra-light Orcon, Icarex or polyfilm .06″ carbon rods, 24 9/16″ [...]

Issue 4: NFKA Fighters

Today NFKA had its June meeting/fly at Ocean Shores, WA and it was a great [...]