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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Box on it's way, thanks everyone!
  2. Congrats again! I have your kite all boxed up, should go out via USPS Priority Mail early next week. Generally takes an average of 5-10 days for transit to Europe.
  3. Enjoying some Jobs' quotes...

  4. Thanks for the support Rob, sorry we missed each other... Next time!
  5. Phew, it's a cold one here in Portland today... Less than 2 weeks ago, I was sweating my butt off in Malaysia - total climate shock. :/

  6. Ya, he's gotten more articulate as a flier. Watch it Tom, that's how we got in trouble last time.
  7. FYI, if you want to "like" the Kymera on Facebook, you can now find a dedicated page here. http://www.facebook.com/jbkymera
  8. FUN! Nice to see you guys had wind.
  9. Mike has been kind enough to post a TON of videos from the event, you can find them here... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ESKC%2711&aq=f Personal congratulations to Steff Ferme (1st in Quad) and Richard Debray (3rd in Quad), both flying B-Series Revs!
  10. Sweet, nice flying Jeremy... Still can't believe how much smoother your hands have gotten! Keep up the good work sir.
  11. Wyatt, congrats again... Just a word to the wise, when looking at 2012 dates, I suggest a thorough cross-check against other events to avoid conflict.
  12. Happy birthday to both, lovely and strong contributors to the kiting world. By the way Vaino, great to see you in NJ, it's not often enough.
  13. Also, another side note... If we shift our issues to the forum, I can also dedicate more time to making this system really sing (aesthetic, functions, etc).
  14. Just to continue this discussion, I would definitely be looking at a single bi-monthly release date as it is now... So, even if we put the articles here on the forum, we'd section the areas off by issue, and release ALL articles on the assigned date. Some of the upsides to going the forum route... The built-in forum search engine would be far more effective, as opposed to the Google plugin we use now. We can cross-link the built in gallery system for our "secondary galleries", now listed at the bottom of each issue index. Selected (veteran) authors would have the ability to actually input their own content, instead of us having to build everything for them. With all data (article/photos) being database-driven, we could update our site software and templates with one swipe as needed, instead of doing it page-by-page. Forum based articles would allow for discussion or comments from our readers, all right there on the same page. All articles would have built-in "share" functionality to Facebook, Twitter, Email, etc. From the webmaster side, it would also be FAR, far easier for us to actually create the content from anywhere in the world (via web browser), as opposed to having to rely on our web design software (Dreamweaver, et al). So again, I'm not 100% sold, but I'd love to hear further input on this topic as y'all find time. Thanks for your ear, and your opinions (both invaluable to me).
  15. Hi gang, finally settled back into the home office and starting to get caught up after this trip. 9/13, we left for Vancouver BC... 9/14, we left for Singapore via Hong Kong and Kuala Lampur... 9/16-9/18, we held a Rev clinic in Singapore... 9/19-9/20, we headed back to Kuala Lampur for some landmark flying... 9/21, we headed to Bintulu (Malaysian side of Borneo)... 9/22-9/25, we celebrated iQuad's 100th festival and 5 year anniversary at BIKF... 9/26, we headed back to Vancouver BC via Kuala Lampur and Hong Kong... 9/27, we drove down to Seattle and caught another flight to New Jersey, via Minneapolis... 9/28-10/2, we attended the AKA Convention (my 17th in 21 years)... 10/3, we finally flew home via Atlanta... 10/4, mad errands and urgent "return" business. Now we've got a couple days "off" (yeah, we're really working) before the Lincoln City Fall Festival this weekend. Anyway, just wanted to give y'all the blow-by-blow and give deep thanks not only for your ongoing support, but for your undying patience with my hit-and-miss communication here, especially the late drawing date. Gratefully, humbly.
  16. Watty, TK and I should arrive sometime Friday... The other iQuad members later that day. Still dog-tired here, but we're really looking forward to this.
  17. Alright ladies and gentlemen... We got a winna! Number.... 6... 5... 9! Subscriber #659, Peter Webster is taking home a brand new B-Series package! Next, a brand new Kymera goes to someone else on 10/25, stay tuned!
  18. 4InKite, your sub # is 903.
  19. MercFlyer, your number is 890. Drawing in mere minutes...
  20. Ha, $300 Delta voucher to catch another flight in 3 hours, plus a meal voucher... Sweet, 3 hours is NOTHING at this point. :)

  21. Ya, RR is spot on... I know where all these folks' hearts lie (Exile too), it's the least I can do to take a little good-natured ribbing... Sometimes I really need it, 99.9% of the time, I really enjoy it too. Feeling the love! Thanks again, to all!
  22. Mike Gillard, and Sharon... ?
  23. Hi guys, again - sorry for the delay... I'm still in NJ for the AKA Convention, and will indeed be waiting until the 4th to do this drawing. I'm severely jet-lagged, and need to refresh the master list with new sign ups and expirations up to the scheduled date of the drawing... With my mind and state of rest as it is, I'm not confident in my ability to do that accurately now. Literally, I've been nodding off at odd moments in odd places. Thanks for your patience, this will be worth the wait!
  24. Crap and double crap again... Had the fly of my life yesterday afternoon, came back to the room and had dinner with TK, was going to take a 1 hour nap before the AKA evening activities... Our alarm didn't even phase us, SO tired, slept right through it.

    Sigh... Today is a new day. lol

  25. Crap and double crap. :(

    I really wanted to attend the AKAGN member meeting tonight, and to do a daily update... After flying for a few hours today (decompression after travel), I wandered back to the room and fell fast asleep until 9:30pm.

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