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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Great news Jason, I hope you get fair conditions soon, and that you enjoy it!
  2. That's a great review Wayne, thanks! I especially appreciate this observation, as you've explained something I hadn't quite been able to articulate... I like that "snap back" from black Race Rods, kind of like sport suspension instead of Cadillac.
  3. Thoughts of love and appreciation to Kenji Ueda, lost to us on 9/6/11 (Japan time)... Rest well friend, thank you for the time with us.

  4. Hi folks, just a heads up... I was really frustrated with our subscription system layout and methodology, so we've gone back to an upgraded version of our old one. 1. You'll now see the "Subscriptions" tab in our forum navigation menu, and "Store" is gone. 2. If you find that a subscription icon isn't showing on your forum posts and it should be, please send me a PM and I'll sort it out. 3. We use a master list here in the office for all drawings, you definitely won't miss out on any prizes. Thanks for your patience and support!
  5. I have just removed Li Lei from my friends list after the excerpted chat discussion below between Li and I.

  6. Ugh, hard drive finally died on my iMac (2 years old)... Headed to the Apple store downtown now, hoping they can fix me up in a hurry - need a working machine ASAP! :(

  7. Hi Justin, as Kent said, the Backtracker is a questionable example of a quad line kite... Best forgotten, except as a piece of history. The one tip going dual to quad, as mentioned before, keep your hands pretty much in front of you and keep your airborne inputs small while you get a feel for it. Let us know how your experiences go with the new B-Series kite, can't wait to hear all about it!
  8. Ugh, center seat on Southworst Airlines... Two BIG folks on either side, no options... Ah well, short flight to OAK. *shrug*

  9. Whew, I'm beat... KILLER day of flying, roughly 9am to 6pm, 6-10mph for the better part of the day... John Mason, Chris Browning and Duane Finley all came out as well, great day, great company. :)

  10. Up and around, headed for Mission Bay Park around 9am... With kites! :)

  11. 1 bus away from getting into the short customs line, but it's a big bus. :P

  12. Next Mexicoach back to the US, one hour. ;)

  13. After today, depending on the final implant work, I'll likely provide the contact for my dentist to anyone who wants it. ;)

  14. I have an evening to kill here in San Diego... Anyone bored? No kites with me until Sunday, but I'm good for whatever. :)

  15. Sunday flying at Mission Bay Park is 90% go... Headed back to Tijuana on Sat to have my permanent crowns and bridge put in, will have to confirm the last 10% on Sat afternoon just in case anything odd happens. ;)

  16. Anyone who is having issues with the Kymera wingtip end caps coming off, watch from 2:28 in this video... The caps are snug when this is done correctly. ;)

    It's not complicated, but I've met a couple of folks that didn't understand the info sheet that comes with the kite. ;)

  17. TK and I are headed to San Diego tomorrow... On to Tijuana for my second wave of dental work (permanent crowns and bridge), and TK is getting her amalgam fillings removed... She heads home on Friday, but I'll be there until Monday and am thinking about going to Mission Bay Park on Sunday. :)

  18. To clarify #3, some things will *always* be present on forums such as bold, underline, italic, image links, hyperlinks, quote, etc, etc... Those I rely on, but things like spellchecking, YouTube video code and such are "addons" more often than not, or sit way further down on the software developer's priority list. I know my response didn't give the answer(s) you were hoping for, but I speak only the truth.
  19. We had 13 or so female Rev fliers at WSIKF this year... All of them kicking butt.
  20. Great vid Rob! One suggestion though, I'd try to change the camera angle or setting periodically on videos over 3 minutes in length.
  21. I think for communication, Facebook and a MailChimp.com newsletter should be plenty.
  22. Hehehehehe... Classic.
  23. Hi guys, just getting caught up now... Regarding any spell check button on the formatting bar either in quick reply or full editor... This might have existed at one time, but may not have been carried over into a new version of the forum software when we did an upgrade sometime... Nothing is broken, if it's gone - it's just been removed from the feature list. Regarding multiple spellcheckers popping up (as Jynx described), this is most likely a *local* function, something that was integrated with either your operating system (like Vista) or in your web browser of choice (my Firefox has this feature via right click)... I'd suggest this option for anyone. Myself, I *never* rely on anything but the basics (essential formatting, reply, post, etc)... Forum softwares change, sometimes dramatically. Any questions?
  24. *yawn*

    I love the smell of coffee and Icarex in the morning! :)

  25. FYI, got into my messages and profile with no problem... Messages: Link to profile: Slightly new look and locations, but they should be accessible to all in the upper right corner?
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