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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Fantastic Brian! That kite looks good on you! Glad you got it up and running so soon. Bonus points as well, for nice photo/album usage in your post.
  2. ROFL!!!! We MUST have video of this.
  3. Hi ECK, welcome! There was a good topic recently which covered online resources for trick tutorials, may be of interest to you, and it will apply to any reasonably performing sport kite.
  4. Brilliant! I SO want to try it.
  5. ftlosm, thanks for sharing this. Windjammers rule!
  6. Experimentation is awesome, especially if you're doing it with scraps... Tell us what YOU find out, just take care with your eyes and noggin.
  7. Good idea in theory, except that you'll find that you're actually moving an area of line more like 30'-40' through the stake at times, especially while you're learning. That, and there will be a bump or "joint" in your line where the real line is connected to the tougher middle piece... That'll feel like crap when it hits the stake. More trouble than it's worth, IMHO. But if you want to try it, I'd suggest maybe 150# spectra (upsize from your 90# fly lines)... Anything else will be too weak, too heavy or too stretchy.
  8. I take great care not to have anyone take what I do personally... That way, they're more likely to be receptive. Even then, if they don't agree, I can't force their hand. 10 years I've been on this evolving course with Kitelife, I've learned a few things... 21 years in kiting, got a little experience there too. You can't take just a couple years of cooking classes and then walk into a restaurant, tell the owner what he's doing is suspect and will lead to the place's demise without him throwing you out the door. There's a track record here Duane... Kitelife is the only forum out of 3 that you've not been bumped out of... Every time you get bumped out of a place, all ears there become unavailable to you. Better to caress the situation over time and maintain an influence, rather than stomp down the door and lose an entire audience. Me, I'll take it on the chin because I love y'all (odd ducks and all), at least until something becomes destructive to the overall community enjoyment, then I gotta put my foot down. So, I'm putting a close to this topic... Again, deepest congrats to Brian, deepest gratitude to ALL our subscribers, to Nick and Tom for their obvious faith, to Duane for being different and being here.
  9. Some dogstake discussion topics… http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/2529-dogstake-new-pulley/ Most recently… Post with a picture of my current stake… page__view__findpost__p__81263 A different topic, more pictures courtesy of Mike Devereaux (maker of my stake)…
  10. Come on lucky 3-2-4-7... 3-2-4-7... 3-2-4-7... 3-2-4-7... 3-2-4-7... Oh , we're not there yet. Okay, back to work for me - lol!
  11. Thanks for the absolute support Nick. Part of why I like doing the drawings myself is that I'm actually part of the process, not some impartial party who isn't excited by it. In this case, I got a wonderful email reply from Brian (whom I'd never met or talked to before today)... I got to pull his name out of the hat, and made a friend in the process.
  12. Duane, it's a-ok to share your subscriber numbers anytime as long as you "help it along" with your own post here (like you did above). Thanks for the rah-rah and support for new sign ups.
  13. Heh, I'd wonder if you guys can keep this up for another month solid... But I know better.
  14. Respectfully, no. Nobody else here has voiced any concerns, history speaks for itself (as discussed in the link you quoted), you have NO actual indications that anything is wrong with with our drawing process. You're most welcome, but I'm still the proprietor of a voluntary community, quit pulling at my threads. Get on with the good stuff, no more of this particular issue. If *anyone else* feels this warrants further discussion, I'll be happy to do so with an open mind, in a separate forum topic.
  15. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. This is a brand new Crossfire sport kite by Dodd Gross, from Skydog Kites, roughly a $139 value! A good all-rounder and trick kite, this is a great addition for any intermediate/advanced flier - http://www.skydogkit...crossfire.shtml I've actually had personal time on this model before, it's a great trick kite, I liked the way it handles on it's back (jacobs ladder, etc) This kite also comes with your choice of Skydog shirt, please remind me upon notification. == If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/301, and will be drawn on August 12th, 2011! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin.
  16. . Congrats again Brian! I got your email, will respond today... Thanks! I'd pulled #178 in the order shown... Brian is 847, 178 is an expired number, post amended accordingly. John, what you just said doesn't make any sense to me, 847 wasn't even drawn then...but...never matter...I'm off to "Dogstaking" stuff! You brought it up, I'm not going to leave it hanging at that. It's pretty clear... Time line, from the one-off randomly generated list of all issued (active and inactive) subscription numbers in random order: 746, expired. 180, expired. 178, my "casual" record (saved emails) showed this as active, so I had actually gone ahead and written the post draft... Then as I always do, I double checked in my master list and PayPal only to find that the number was actually expired. 75, expired. 47, expired. 847, voila, Brian wins so I edited and posted the message draft to reflect the correct winning number, and totally forgot to update the single column version: 1 7 8 So, I went back and corrected it for posterity. That's it, simple math... If there's any contention, well, thanks anyway. Please pardon my sensitivity to doubt in the process... I'm on top of it (obviously), but also wanted to express my feelings. Ultimately, thanks for catching the error.
  17. Hey John, No problems, just curious.........but what's up with "Number 8-4-7, then, 1-7-8 wins ps...........congrats Brian..........hope this gets you back to flying..........that's a great kite ! I'd pulled #178 in the order shown... 178 was still in my "general" subscriber list, so I started the post with their number, thinking they were the winner. After cross-checking the master list and PayPal records (as I always do), I saw that it was actually a dead number. Combine that with drawing late at night, and voila, missed some changes. Brian is 847, 178 is an expired number, post amended accordingly.
  18. The winner is... NOT 746, 180, 178, 75 or 47... All expired, they could have been winners! It is... *drum roll* Number.... 8 4 7! Congratulations to #847, Brian Bevins! Rock on Brian!!!
  19. The winner is... Going to be announced in the next few minutes.
  20. Alright... Who wants a B2???
  21. Welcome back Joe. Sorry, no Berkeley for us this year... We'll be in Singapore instead.
  22. Found another deep collection of trick video tutorials, I've updated my earlier post to include it as well. Full tutorial archive from kamiKazeDavid - http://www.youtube.c...mikazeDavid#g/u And, the Fractured Axel tricks wiki - http://fracturedaxel.co.uk/wiki/tiki-index.php
  23. Great answers from both Watty and Pete. Garrit: Wear sunglasses (eye protection), and make sure you keep the kite in front of you, not so much over your head. It's not easy through a regular dogstake... Possible, but not easy, mostly due to the line friction... And, it's really hard on your lines. I'll try and do a tutorial on it sometime, but until then, be careful, have fun, and feel free to ask questions here.
  24. Whoa, my RNG just coughed and started spewing smoke... Too much butter in the gears. Got the elves working overtime, should be alright by Sunday morn.
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