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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. All the study is *clearly* paying off Brett! You and the rest of the gang northside of the festival this weekend, y'all looked GREAT! I didn't make it up there, but I was watching.
  2. That's a lot of fun, thanks for posting! Lots of potential with aerial video on sport kites, especially with all the new gear out there like GoPro.
  3. Have fun brother bear, enjoy it.
  4. Welcome Exile! We just sent our last prize to a fellow stationed in Okinawa, as long as your email works, you've got a shot.
  5. My pleasure, thanks for the support.
  6. 281 downloads

    This tutorial explains two simple ways to change your frames on the field without even removing the kite from your lines. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV.
  7. 334 downloads

    This tutorial explains some of the dynamics of line weight and length selection on Revolution kites This is one of those topics where there is no right way, and we hope the information contained in this video help you experiment and find your own favorite(s). NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV.
  8. I'd never even considered the dynamic of line breaking under it's own weight when strung out far enough... WOW. I always love your updates Bob, thank you - keep 'em coming!
  9. I've just added the iPod/iPhone versions of the 2 new tutorials, rendering the MOV files as we speak - hope to have them up tonight or in the morning. Thanks guys, your comments really fuel my fire.
  10. I gave him a spanking on the field for his birthday today.
  11. In some ways, the idea of weight and length should be really simple... But there are some subtle aspects, and the relation between the two is fairly expansive. Honestly, how much was "ramble" and how much was solid in-hand information? And, was there anything (subtle or otherwise) that you didn't know already?
  12. Professor Rev, no doubt........ .......Now that even made sense, to me Honestly, I had no idea that I could go on about line weight and length for 10 full minutes. That's one of the things I love about Revs, is the darned-near collegiate level of information currently (and increasingly) available.
  13. Changing Frames - http://www.learnkites.com/kite-video/rev-tutorials-outdoor/changing-frames-spars/
  14. Line Weights and Lengths - http://www.learnkites.com/kite-video/rev-tutorials-outdoor/line-weights-lengths/
  15. Brett, voila... Portland Rev Clinic - Looks like it might be Jul 23-24, if we can get at least 2 more participants (only two now). Interested? I could use a clinic. I promised myself when I got an inverted hover down that I would go buy a B series 1.5. When I get a bicycle turn down I've promised myself a speed series... Gotta get that one down now! ~Brett
  16. When you're reaching into your pocket for change at the store, and pull out tail weights for your dual line kite. When you sit down for dinner, only to find out you still have a stake in your back pocket.
  17. FYI, I do have more tutorials on the way... Already done for outdoor Rev, just have to upload: Line Weight/Length, and Changing Frames. Lots more outdoor topics on the to do list as well, just need good wind and weather. We've got a bunch more topics for indoor too, I'm just looking for a combination of free time and funds for the gym rental - stay tuned.
  18. Sorry for the delay in responding, been scattered for the past few days. We typically reassign the same number when someone lapses and renews. Ken, looks like you're #555... Same as before. We don't give old numbers to a new subscriber... It keeps our "history" apparent (gained/lost since 2003), and I just think it's nice to keep numbers for folks. The only instance where someone might get a new number after lapsing, is if they were gone for a while and I don't recognize them or remember to check for a previous subscription. I hope that clarifies sufficiently? On a side note... I've said it before, I sure do love "pre-drawing banter".
  19. Sweet Ben, I wasn't sure if you'd be there. Sorry you can't make it Brett, next time? I'll try and organize a local Portland clinic before the year is out, stay tuned.
  20. Glad you were able to get it sorted Brett... Things are known to happen now and then, but Rev is very good about their service.
  21. Funny, Lincoln City thought the same thing, we almost missed the chance to go to LC because of it. We never had plans to attend Windscape (Bart's local event) this year, Watty is, but not us.
  22. Jason is a first-time sign up, just this morning. Once someone subscribes, ALL of their posts (even old ones) show the subscriber icon... Same when their subscription lapses, all posts will lose the subscriber icon. It's associated with the member account, not with the posts (when/where).
  23. Aye, ignore the messages if you signed up via PayPal... More than likely, it will renew. If not, you'll get a message to that effect and you can *always* message or email me to make sure. No problem with a 24 hour grace period (no missed drawings), as long as renewal is prompt and it's not on the same day as the drawing.
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