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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Yeah, I do LOVE dogstaking.
  2. Hi plod, lucky #821, your 6 month sub cycles on 6/28 and 12/28... However, it should come for automatic renewal via PayPal so I think you're all set. Regardless, the forum will mail you when the renewal comes up.
  3. YO - iQuad will be in da house.
  4. "I'm Here" Not sure If I qualify, but definitely worth a go. Thanks Jamie (and hello everyone ) Hi Jamie, you're #862 (signed up on 5/5).
  5. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. B2 Vented (package w/ 90#x80' LaserPro lines, handles, DVD and kite sleeve), roughly a $329 value! This package includes kite, 2 wrap and 3 wrap frames, 90#x80' LaserPro lines, adjustable handles, DVD and kite sleeve! NOTE: Primary color of the kite in this drawing is PURPLE and VENTED, contrary to the photo above. This is regular (factory) model, it is not a Pro by Bazzer, but will still provide excellent flying for whoever wins this. You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/304, and will be drawn on July 10th, 2011! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  6. Thanks Chris. My French is really rusty, but it sounded like Richard won?
  7. Just got back from BC, I'll get your new kite out this week Marvin. Congrats again!!
  8. They're dedicated to kitesurfing, no conflict. However, we DID have the Kitelife name first.
  9. Holy smokes... Some of the fastest, most amazing trick flying I've ever seen. Chris Goff Chris Goff vs Richard Debray
  10. Good morning sweet one, a dearest, warmest happy birthday to you! Birthday weekend in Vancouver BC again for the PacRim Festival... Good people, good flying, good food, yeah, not too bad.
  11. *yawn-snort-grunt* We just did the drive from Portland to Vancouer BC yesterday, up at Monkey's house now. Alright, alright, we got a winna... Number... 8... 4... 2... Yes, congratulations to #842, Marvin Magcale! Enjoy your new kite Marvin, we'll put something else up for our next drawing by Tuesday, gotta get back to the office and pick something cool for y'all.
  12. TK and I are headed up to Vancouver BC with Spence Watson today, going to the PacRim Festival and Watty is going to get worked over in the #5 slot on iQuad this weekend. :)

  13. True enough Baloo, although it could be the knock out of shame if the flier isn't careful. Rob - Yeah, it's a mind-tweak when your perspective (angle) changes too much... The deal is, I've actually switched my handles so that if I look at the back of the kite and imagine it's actually the front, all is normal - EXCEPT, when I move forward to unload pressure, fade, jacobs ladder, etc, the kite comes toward me and possibly over my head, not away... So far, I've been able to do cascades, axels, snap lazy, kombo, two point landings, all pretty easily... The jacobs ladder, etc take a lot more work and thought to accomplish, the right wind helps a lot too. For the record, some folks (like Lee Sedgwick) actually fly it backward (reversed controls)... Me, I don't want the added difficulty, I want the kite to respond normally, and most of all, I just want to be able to interact with it.
  14. A little video of my first day on the Kymera with a dogstake... Credit to Chris Browning for the video, to Mikey Devereaux for the awesome dogstake, and to John Mason for his amazing patience when I bull-headedly trampled through his lines while flying.
  15. I know, all in good fun.
  16. Gerrit, you're lucky #648.
  17. hyzakite, your number is #830 (got you by 3 Pete!)... Sorry, the forum doesn't generate that data so it's based on my manual list here in the office. Our latest subscriber is #872 so we've not yet reached 4-digits, although we'd certainly love to see that day.
  18. Oh my goodness. LOL
  19. Happy birthday Howard, I'm glad you were born. I really like the Saguaro Cactus reference, I'll remember that one!
  20. Bravo Nicolás! Well done young sir! Might we have father/son pairs in the future with 4 kites?
  21. Just returned our rental car... 2,804 miles driven. :)

  22. Aye, a LOT of folks like the greenies, they are good rods... I'm in the same boat as Watty however, as is the rest of the iQuad gang, we don't use 'em. Hi John, Can you be more specific as to why the "greenies" are a "no go" with the IQUAD gang? Keep It Up! Duane Watty hit it on the head... The green and zen rods a little too flexible for our taste, they don't have the "snap" and stiffness that we're partial to (speaking for iQuad as well). This of course, is also what makes the green rods so durable... The flex, and resiliency.
  23. Right, back in the office now... No pain, feeling pretty good, other than being tired from the 12 hour drive yesterday and a TON of email, etc to catch up on. I had two implant posts removed (titanium) from my previous dentist in TJ, then the new dentist added two new implants (zirconium) in more suitable locations, as well as a temporary bridge. Full body lymphatic massage before-hand, vitamin C in my IV drip during sedation... No antibiotics or painkillers, just a few advil each of the 3 days following surgery. 3-4 more months, I go back to have the temporary stuff removed and permanents put in... Then, it's STEAK time! <GRIN> Thanks for your support everybody... Thanks especially to my lovely wife, for kicking me in the ass to get this done.
  24. BRILLIANT work Stevie D...It's beyond human, great video too.
  25. Hey hey, thanks everybody! We just got back yesterday, getting caught up on my MUCH overloaded email box, forum, work, etc, etc.
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