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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hehehehe! All three put a huge smile on my face, very fun Duane! Thanks Nick.
  2. Neat stuff Carolyn, it's a real perspective shaker eh?
  3. Wow, you built that? Looks cool! Care to give a run down on basic specs for the buggy fans here?
  4. Great set of photos Duane, looks like you did really well considering the 'light winds'... It's a real hoot, eh? I love different dimensions of flight!
  5. Jim, we've finished our server changes and you should now be able to use your credit/debit card for subscription with no problems. Please let me know if it gives you any further issues. Thanks again, glad to have you here.
  6. Alas, Bill is out of the running for the Sweet Emotion, winners skip a drawing.
  7. Did your Coyote arrive yet? If not, any day now!
  8. Duly noted. Thanks Ken, and thank you for the donation.
  9. He's one of the Rev best pilots around for sure, but I do wish he'd flail his body a bit more, I LOVE body action from a pilot.
  10. Now that we have that sorted out... *DING DING* Let the trash talking resume.
  11. I'm trying to sing and dance a little less (unless I'm flying) this year... Rolling up my sleeves to try and enrich the actual content again.
  12. Hindsight is 12,000/12,000 ain't it? Ya, I'm well aware of the improvements that need to be made... Going back and amending every page though, just isn't practical. As mentioned before, we're looking to use a foundation like Wordpress which is made with all of those things in mind, and enhanced by a variety of plugins.
  13. Ready for viewing... http://kitelife.com/magazine/issue76/content.php Thanks for your patience!
  14. Come to our street corner and call out my name, look for the water balloons.
  15. Awesome. Any chance we'll see a time-lapse video of this too?
  16. Pete has it, right on.
  17. I remember, I got into that habit with the raffles so I could screen cap the results with a valid number on top. Single draw it is, hence forth.
  18. If the RNG only picked one number, then you're correct. But, I remember the characteristics of the RNG that John uses, it creates a random order for the full field of numbers. If there were only 10 numbers, the output might look like this: 4,6,8,3,5,1,9,10,2,7 The RNG doesn't pick only one number nor does it pick the first number and then list the others sequentially ... like this: 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3. Thus, having expired numbers ahead of your number does not tilt the odds in your favor. Yes? Cheers, Tom Correct, all issued numbers (i.e. 1 to 800) appear in random order, single column, same page. I'm no mathematician, but it seems to me that fair chance is preserved.
  19. "Related topics" Good idea, on the to do list, when our software and available mods allow.
  20. Therein lies part of the problem... The main Kitelife site has roughly 12,000 static pages. Static pages, each with their own meta tags... Not dynamically generated, no single point that I can use to update them... Manual, page by page, based on content. Add to that, I essentially learned to do web design with Kitelife... It was a vast learning curve from day 1 to today, and 85% of those main Kitelife pages don't have any page-specific keywords or descriptions... Just a single canned set, across thousands of pages. Yeah, yeah, I know... But I didn't back then, and by the time I figured it out, well... All the other sites I've worked on are up to snuff, but not KL. The forum is optimized though, we have a site map module that exports to Google. So all of this constitutes a solid reason for a total reformatting of the main site, using a database driven system like Wordpress... One hell of an undertaking, but well worth it... Both for reaching more people with kiting, and for business in general.
  21. Sweet, thanks for the update Pete.
  22. I'm digging the feedback... Slow changes, check. A little at a time, check. Standard format for all kiting web sites, heh, I don't see it happening. == I'll be a little more blunt about my root question... Is there anything that you've encountered on Kitelife that greatly irks you? Be it navigation, content, whatever, please speak frankly. == It's quite possible that I'll be totally restructuring the main Kitelife site (not forum) at some point, for a number of reasons... 1. There is no internal search engine for the magazine and such, so we have to rely on Google, which doesn't always find the right stuff. 2. Our search engine rankings could be better, and using a new system would allow me to tag/title pages MUCH better for Google indexing. ^^ This is a biggie for me, as I feel like we have the largest depth of kite content on the web, but aren't getting indexed on all of it. 3. I'd like a new, slightly cleaner overall look to the site, with more flexibility in being able to post or remove noteworthy items in the sidebar as they come up, site-wide. 4. Using a new system (like Wordpress) would probably cut down our production time by 25%-35%, leaving more time for flying. 5. Integration with Facebook, direct notices of new content to the social network(s). 6. Ability to set up online collaboration, which allows editors and authors to create / add content directly through the site, pending approval from an admin. There are other reasons, but those are some highlights. Thoughts?
  23. Nice one Kris, happy v-day all.
  24. Hi folks, as we've got a nice core of several active forum users going here at the moment, I'd love to bend your ear and get some feedback... What do you think of the forum areas? == 1. Too many topic areas? Any we should remove altogether? 2. Is everyone seeing the sub-forums? (see the smaller links under the main one in the image below) == Any other suggestions on this particular subject? Your help is deeply appreciated, I'm really keen on streamlining things for your enjoyment.
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