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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Good stuff, best of luck with your efforts Connor and Amy!
  2. Glad to have the one, the only... Thanks Pete. All feedback is always welcome!
  3. Aye, thanks for the addendum Pete. Folks can submit links there too, all will be considered.
  4. Hrm... Have you tried entering latitude/longitude instead? Not sure if it would work, just an idea.
  5. http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?app=links&showlinkcat=7 Nice thumbnails of the pages are automatically generated now.
  6. Note, when you enter your location, you can use the same as you would with Google... Examples: 1. 123 Some St, Portland, OR 2. Some St and Other St, Portland, OR 3. Portland, OR However vague you want to be, no problem. It should work like this, let me know if you find out otherwise.
  7. Check it out - http://kitelife.com/forum/membermap/
  8. LOL! Once they taste water... == I'd still love to see "new flying spots" put in here... http://kitelife.com/forum/forum/59-favorite-kite-fields/ I think it serves as a clearer archive of flying fields, especially when putting the city/state in the title.
  9. T-shirt added, bonus. Last note on the random drawing... I had some reason for regenerating the list, but I can't recall what it was, something bygone now I think. I still don't do early draws though, as we actually do occasionally have folks who sign up the night before.
  10. SWEET kites, can't recommend them enough.
  11. You're otter for sure, otter than your average bear.
  12. The master list of both current and expired subscribers exists in two IMAP mail folders, with member numbers as part of the subject for easy searching, and scheduled reminders (in Thunderbird) for folks who need to be manually expired on a certain date or reminded for manual renewal (check or cash). We have folks who lapse for a year and come back (thereby reclaiming their number), and it's an easy way to store/associate the data that came in with their original subscription (date, email, amount paid, etc)... I could do a spreadsheet, but it would actually increase the work to keep it up to date. As for "fair chance", I would debate that such a dynamic random generator makes it truly random, even if I have to regenerate a list... All members stand the same chance of coming up at the top of the list twice in a row (after regenerating - which I've actually seen), or not coming up at all, no matter how many times I hit the button. Your thoughts are clear and fair Pete, but with the added work (second database) and ultimately random chances, I'll stick with what we're using. Always open to more thoughts though, especially if I've somehow failed to understand something.
  13. Bill: Kite shipped Priority Mail, should be there on Monday.
  14. Also, you can reach Daryl via email - darylyehATyahooDOTcomDOTtw Change AT for @ and DOT for . for the email address to be correct.
  15. Yep, we use this... http://www.random.org/sequences/ Simply entering 1 and the highest subscriber number we have, formatted in one column. We look to award the first number at the top of the results... If that subscriber # is no longer in use, we regenerate the list, and then again look at the first number drawn, and so on. Since we have written 834 numbers since 2004 and only have 295 still with us, we do sometimes have to regenerate the list a few times. All fair, however.
  16. You guys always trash talk as a prize is coming up, and I love it.
  17. Aha, maybe I was thinking of FNG.
  18. I know RNG as Really New Guy... Who is this RNG of which you speak?
  19. Congrats again to Bill, he just won our most recent drawing as well, making him a 2-time winner. His caterpillar in action:
  20. Sweet video Bill, glad to see that guy in action! Tom, I actually untrained your kite thinking you needed the practice.
  21. He sure did, Bill is a 2-time winner... Give him a suitable amount of love and grief, would ya?
  22. Don't let the title of the topic mislead you, it started that way but went into broader subjects. http://aka.kite.org/kite-talk-forum/topic?id=368 Post there is you can and want to, here if you're unable to.
  23. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. This is a brand new Sweet Emotion sport kite by Dodd Gross, from Skydog Kites, roughly a $180 value! A good all-rounder, this is a great intermediate/advanced kite - http://www.skydogkit...etemotion.shtml If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/295, and will be drawn on March 1st, 2011! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin. INCLUDES A CHOICE OF SKYDOG T-SHIRT
  24. Thanks for your patience guys, been a busy morning. We've got a winner... #272.... Congratulations to Bill Hayes!! New prize coming sometime today.
  25. Here is Dan's website, it wasn't live last time I looked several months ago. http://www.shantikites.com/
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