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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. To elaborate on a topic, I'm actually one of those originally responsible for propagating the "tomato stake" reference to SLE spars (not the kite)... Experience fliers are of 99% consensus that the SLE rods are way too stiff for performance flight, often joked about being used for "tomato stakes", flag poles or corporal punishment. In all truth, the SLE kite (sail) is quite excellent, especially since it now comes with a 1/4" LE that folks can use instead of the SLE spars which are designed more to be bullet-proof than anything else. Y'all know this, just elaborating for posterity.
  2. One of the Rev tutorials I have on my to do list is water flying, hopefully before too long.
  3. I think we have 3 folks with multiple subs at this time... Always a big surprise, but humbly appreciated! http://kitelife.com/subscribe(extra).php
  4. Shipped today, USPS Global Priority Mail.
  6. Agreed, I learned most of my tricks initially from Randy's videos. I'm also working on a series of dual line video tutorials which should be available fairly soon.
  7. Oh man, sunny and 70... Enjoy it twice, eh? Once for you, and once for me.
  8. I really love the playful banter amongst kite people, especially when there are cool kites to be won... You guys make this a lot of fun for me. == Japan, yes sir!
  9. Your kite is in the box, ready to ship in the next 2 days.
  10. The old "Pacific Northwest" area is actually a service provided for what used to be a Yahoo group, so it's not immediately expendable. It's been really slow there as of late, but for now, this arrangement will have to do.
  11. Very fun Rob, makes me wish we sometimes had more snow to fly on here in Portland.
  12. GREAT video Kieron, I always love your stuff.
  13. Looks like you're in good hands here Rob. I'll just add in my 2 cents on lines... 90# x 120' is ideal for group flying, I like it for individual as well. 90# x 85' sort of the "stock" set sold by shops, just fine if you're not going to play with groups. Same as with dual lines, the longer your lines, the more sky you have to cruise around in... Shorter lines give the feeling of quicker response, mostly due to the smaller wind window. In higher winds (in which you might be favoring the Rev), 150# lines are lovely as they make the kite a little more docile and manageable. Most of us here fly it all, dual and quad... You know me, I'm a sucker for both.
  14. True 'nuff. General Kite Stuff > http://kitelife.com/forum/forum/133-where-did-you-fly-today-what-were-you-flying/
  15. PHEW, what a morning... Thanks for your patience folks, got swamped with craziness here in the office. We've drawn a winner! Subscriber number.... 4... 4... 8! Deep and heartfelt congratulations to our one Japanese subscriber (#448), Masanobu Komuro! Domo arigato Komuro-san, yokatta ne? Omedeto!! == I'll have a new prize up for all of you to drool over within the hour... Thanks again for your patience and ongoing support.
  16. Sorry guys, got a show at 6am EST tomorrow... Will be working all day, then direct to my flight home, in Portland after 11pm PST... No free Internet in the room anyway, limited to iPhone until then, tools are on the lap top via web. Going to be the 26th after all. Thanks for your understanding!
  17. Welcome to the forum Marko, really great to meet you at TI... Let's do it again sometime. ;)

  18. Aye, the terminology is confusing - sorry! Glad you were able to get your photos added, sweet shots!
  19. Tick tick...
  20. Welcome back Duane, glad to have you, better yet to actually meet face to face in TI. I've never treated lines myself, but old sets definitely get to a "nothing to lose" stage as you say... I'd be curious to hear other experiences as well!
  21. LOL - I feel your excitement.
  22. Awesome, thanks! I was looking at your post on my iPhone so I couldn't see your subscription status. Your support is most appreciated! Also to be clear, if you're signed up, prize entry is always automatic.
  23. Hi Philly! A paid subscription is required to be eligible for prize drawings, but it's quite reasonable and gives access to our regular prize drawings (lots of great stuff) and all of our downloads including HD video tutorials. Info - http://kitelife.com/subscribe.php Subscription revenue helps us keep this site alive and growing, thanks.
  24. As it turns out, last minute development - it looks like I'll be on a plane on the 25th... I really will do my very best to draw that morning or that night, but it's a busy 3 days prior for me, please forgive me if I don't draw until the morning of the 26th. To make it up to you, I'll be sure and do an another prize drawing a bit sooner for the next round.
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