I'm working on logistics... Possibly even an indoor clinic.
Trick is, even at 5 hours, that already totals up to $175.
I'd need to charge a registration fee to participants, maybe $25-$30 each, if we can get 6 or more.
Again, just opened each issue in the 1987-1990 time period, hit "control-F" and searched for "Revolution" text.
Page numbers below are relative to the PDF (counting cover and inside cover), not the actual page numbers.
Summer 1989
v7-3 - Page 9 - First ad for Revolution in this magazine
(no feature articles - at least up until 1991 - maybe after)
I just opened each issue, press "control-F" and entered "Revolution" to search.
Page numbers below are relative to the PDF (counting cover and inside cover), not the actual page numbers.
Spring 1989
v1-3 - Page 7 - KTA article briefly mentions release of Revolution, 3rd paragraph, no photo.
Summer 1989
v1-4 - Page 14 - Short Lines (Rev in diagram).
v1-4 - Page 21 - Revs appear in ground display photo w/caption.
v1-4 - Page 26 - Photo of Sedgwick dogstaking a Rev.
v1-4 - Page 38 - Quadlining article (for delta kites).
v1-4 - Page 44 - Review of Revolution I (photo of Neos Omega).
Hi guys, there's a chance I've got a line on somewhere to fly INDOORS in Beaverton... Large space, $35 per hour.
Would anyone be up for splitting this cost?
Would be excellent if we could round up 5 or more fliers, maybe do a 3 hour block?
After 3pm on Saturdays is the most likely window.
The glider is exceptional at that... Perfectly balanced.
It also breaks down and fits in a slender tube, not common for this type of kite when they're so light.
Materials are carbon, and an incredibly light plastic film of some kind.
Word on the street says they're about $60-$70 each, but well worth it in my eyes.
It's not something users can update at will, sorry... This is true of most forums.
However, if you settle on something new, I'm happy to change it for you.
We go to the Great Lakes Kite Festival in Grand Haven, MI (www.mackite.com) most every year... Not too terribly far from Erie (the city).
Otherwise, there's nothing on the schedule for 2010 east coast yet.
We've done WIldwood (NJ - www.skyfestivals.com) and Ocean City MD (M.I.K.E. - www.kiteloft.com) in the past, but it's too expensive for us to make it without invitation and some financial support.
My fade input is often more like a "drum hit" downward with both hands, as opposed to a straight pull back.
Harder or softer, depending on the kite, but this seems to keep my control closer to the axis of the rotation, lessening the likelihood of the kite hopping straight up or toward me.
Thanks for the wishes guys, I'm home from Tijuana and resting up, getting caught up on work and forums as well.
Theresa, special thanks for the airport ride, sure made the return much more comfortable.
Aye, Rev discussions started off heavily here until I started the forum for Revolution.
Great people on both forums, but the Rev-specific info is DEEP over there.
Alas, I was in Tijuana all weekend getting some serious dental work done.
Looking at heading out to Delta sometime this week to test out the Kymera factory sample I got from Into The Wind.
Great post Howard.
On the whole, I agree with your diagnosis of the trend...
However, I am seeing small signs of the cycle turning over, both in kiting and in general.
Very small sure, but it's a direction to encourage when we can, in everything we do, every day.