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Brilliantone last won the day on November 1 2020

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    Marco Island, Florida

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  1. https://prismkites.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Dual-Line-Manual.pdf Basics for wind tuning, bridle tuning, finding the wind window, etc. Excellent for beginners https://prismkites.com/dual-line-trick-animations-prism-kites/ Every animation here shows you the hand maneuvers you speak of And of course, you can find Mark Reed's (Prism Kites) instruction on YouTube: They Include The basics for beginners to advanced, Then the Advanced method of taking the basics and strining them together. Finally, each trick gets broken down. Lastly, You already Mentioned Dodd Gross. He has good instruction, too. Be patient. Learn the basics moves. Learn to fly your line and the kite will follow. Be patient and don't rush. You will find that expert flyers are still great at basic push/pull turns for a reason. Once you master the subtle moves the rest is only limited by your imagination. That is why this is a lifetime sport. Reach out when you have questions. and we will help.
  2. I still have Prism kites that are over 20 years old, and the only time I have ever broke them down was to remove broken spars. Most of the time, as the fabric changes from use, or age, or sun exposure, etc, etc, you will need to re-tension, but this is just part of the Zen that this sport brings each of us. Do what feels right. That's the beauty and magic of kiting. It is YOUR experience, and YOUR processes and procedures. Every step is part of the magic; from the way you fold/wrap/roll your kite, to the way you check your lines, or put your kite together or take it apart - do it your way and develop your own process and steps. Then share them with us! Either way, you won't really hurt your kite or sail or spars, so you do you!
  3. Yes. Being old has it's perks. Here is the Syncro. The case has a handwritten note from Herb Weldon wishing Kurt from Avia Sport, and Curtis good luck at competition. It has herb's handwritten instructions on making adjustments to the Active Bridle. Kurt sold it to me when I owned my Kite shop in Cocoa Beach. That was a long time ago.
  4. I own the one Curtis Mitchell Won International with. What a kite! So proud to own this.
  5. Perfect way to say that, Zuul. I will look closer at the deep space. If you go to Andy Wardley's web page: Wardley.org. and go to the Design page, here: http://wardley.org/kites/design.html#Phantom_Elite And then go down to the section on indoor kites, you will find his discussion about going to Wildwood, NJ. Kite Festive in 1996. He describes learning to fly indoors from Curtis Mitchell, and he talks about borrowing Curtis' kite, a custom Syncro by Herb Weldon. Curtis won Internationals with that kite. I own that custom Syncro from Herb Weldon, that Curtis let Andy Wardley fly. Andy talks about going back to Tim Benson and asked Tim to design an indoor kite like that kite. The result was the Inner Space. Gosh, I'm old...
  6. Nice! Thank you, Zuul! I'm going to look at them closer. I sort of passed over them in favor of the old-school. I trust your opinion. Thank you. Here's my take on most UL vs. STD. It's nice to fly in 0-6 mph wind, and Ultralights are perfect for that. Lighter frame, shorter, lighter line, micro-adjustments, and just fun. I have dozens of kites, and if you've read the thread, you know I have every Prism, so I can fly in any wind., plus indoors (I have several custom indoor SUL's.) But here's the thing: I always find myself with a Standard instead of the UL, because of what you said - overlap. I'd rather have the STD, adjust the bridle to a nose forward pitch, move the outside stand-offs out a bit, put on short lines, and I can fly in that same whisper-light wind. Make an adjustment the other way and go nose back, and I can handle the 8-15 mph days as well, or that moment when the onshore wind shifts. Sure, I can wrap up the UL, take out the STD, or even pull out the vented in the big winds, but time and time again, I find less and less need for an Ultra-light. That's just me, though. I am still looking at the Tica 2020, and I may get ahold of John Barresi and talk about one of his dandy kites. Thanks for the input on the Benson!
  7. For your viewing pleasure, my brand-spankin'-new Mamba from Ken McNeill at Blue Moon Kites. Mamba mine.jfif Mamba mine2.jfif Mamba mine4.jfif
  8. Breezin' I understand the frustration you have with never knowing when you launch for the first flight, if you're going to feel it, or if it will click in. One day, many, many, many years ago, I was struggling to do a flat axle. I mean FLAT. I was a rookie, and just learning. I couldn't get enough slack in the line before the leading wingtip was tugging it. I was lunging forward, running, snapping my arm as far as they could go until my shoulders hurt. I could never complete the turn. Normally, it was only 3/4 turn before I came up short, and I struggled to recover. I could NOT figure it out. I called Mark Reed. The Owner of Prism Kites. I will never forget what he told me. It changed the way I fly, and it was the one thing that got me over the hump from mediocre to advanced, and then into expert. It holds true today, and it will always hold true. He told me: "Stop trying to fly your KITE into tricks you want it to do. Instead, fly your LINE. Focus on the terminal end of your line at the bridle, and the kite will follow." Blew. My. Mind. I was always a stickler about my line, but never made this connection. Suddenly, everything changed. I didn't look at the kite directly, I looked at the bridle connections to my line. I focused hard. The kite became blurry and the line was my focus. I was able to see what was needed for my input. I began watching the slack in the line, and the tension, and the pull, and the release. Every movement was about what input I had to execute, to make my line go where I wanted it to. And, true to Mark Reed...the kite followed. The best trap and skeet shooters in the world look at the bead on the end of the barrel, not the target. The best fly fisherman cast the line, not the fly. The best welders focus on the tip of the welding wire/rod, and not the puddle of weld. Make sense? Once I flew the line, it didn't matter what kite was there. Next, I shortened my lines. I began flying 65' line on average, with my longest at 85'. Rarely did I fly 100". It was much easier to fly the shorter line, and because I changed the perspective of my focus, there were no more struggles to fly any kite at any time, in any wind. That's my perspective. I hope it helps. I can discuss making micro adjustments on the bridle, or to the stand-offs to add or deflect more or less wind another time. I can also discuss active vs. passive bridles, sail tension, etc., because they all make a difference. Also, (and Lam will agree) kites made from different parts of the world, are designed for those typical flyers. I'm 5'7" and have very wide shoulders, but I am a finesse flyer. I struggle with flying any of the French kites because my body frame is not lean and thin, as those kites demanding quick, explosive movements. Drachen is a German kite. They are designed for taller individuals with longer arms. Those long arms generate more LINE input than my short arms can give. BUT... if you fly the line, the kite will have to follow, no matter where the kite is made, and for whom it was made for. Let me know if I can help in any way. Best, Dave
  9. Well...here we go! In proper form, I listened to you all. I started by contacting Lam Hoac. Check out the custom I-T-M (Intense Trick Machine) he made for me. I gave him complete artistic license. Also, if anyone needs a KILLER kite bag, Lam crushes it! I have two Prism roll-up bags, but the bag I got from Lam is like nothing I've ever seen. I'll keep you updated as I grow my collection again. I think a Moonie Mamba and a Benson. For the Benson, I can't decide if I should go old-school-original Outer Space, or go new-tech supernova. Anyone with Benson experience, I'd love a review.
  10. Thanks for the input. I appreciate this so much. The open source plans are a smart idea. So is watching the competitions. I appreciate the links. Thanks you for helping me. I see Kiteboarding getting bigger and bigger in Florida. I can't speak for other coasts, but there are huge clubs on both coasts of Florida. Back in the day, Guys like Dodd Gross and myself were trying to figure out the right frames for Buggies to be effective. I haven't seem much about buggies. I am surprised Snow Boards and Kites haven't taken off. Thanks again! Good to be back!
  11. Thanks for the welcome (back) As I noted, I was Prism man at the time, and my kite bags were packed with them, but from time to time, I would be offered a chance to fly "new" or "prototype" kites. I flew the Mamba. I liked it. a lot. But I just couldn't see replacing the Elixir or the I2K Illusion, so I sent it back, regrettably. I think I will explore Blue Moon again.
  12. Good to be back! Thanks for the reply and the suggestions. It looks like you guys have picked up and carried the kite bag forward, when I set mine down. Makes me proud to be here with you fellas.
  13. Thank you for the reply, Paul. I remember Lam from back in the day. I will reach out to him and see which one of his dandy kites will earn a spot in my new kite bag. Speaking of new Kite bags - Who's making a killer bag these days? Thanks again!
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