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Everything posted by Fubar

  1. Hi Kev, that's a bit far for a day's outing unfortunately
  2. Thanks a lot Jeremy, Bill got in touch in another thread (new members section).
  3. Hi Bill, thanks for your message. Dunstable sounds good - an hour's drive isn't too bad. Are you still meeting every Sunday? Guess it's good to stay >2m apart when flying kites anyway Maybe I can bring some gloves and sanitiser if we are to share handles... Unfortunately I don't have facebook (and refuse to do so). Could you give me coordinates of the field here or in a PM please?
  4. Hi guys, I'm based near Cambridge - anyone not too far away?
  5. Thanks for the input @riffclown - my experience from previous hobbies agrees: learning on the cheap stuff is often a frustrating and ultimately more expensive idea.
  6. Thanks John! I'm an avid flyer, although not too much kite experience. Most of my flying experience is RC, and I have a mix of fixed and rotary wing craft. Over the past 2 years I've also been flying gliders (actual, not RC!) and was close to getting my license before the C-word hit us. In terms of kites I have been flying a 2-line delta wing which is a lot of fun. It's quite old (although not much used) and marked as a "Pico" from Flexifoil International in Newmarket, although I couldn't find any information or photos on the internet (well, flexifoil are now a big corp but that model isn't on their website) - I'd be very curious if anyone knows about these! (I can post a photo if you want.) At this point I discovered the 4-line kites and really want to get into that... Still deciding which one to get first though. I'd like to meet people in my area (Cambridge UK) if there are any! Cheers --Thomas
  7. Hi all, I've been flying a 2-line delta-wing stunt kite and am getting a bit bored with it. I've discovered quads and really want to get one. Not too sure which one to get and would appreciate trying to fly one - anyone in the South East? I'm based near Cambridge. Also interested to know if anyone has opinions about the Pulse from https://www.kitetec.co.uk/pulse - any other suggestions welcome, for example any thoughts about the cheaper stuff (e.g. HQ Mojo or Meteor). I'm mostly interested in flying on the higher wind days - when there's not too much wind I fly radiocontrol :-) Say 15mph+ as forecasted on BBC. Thanks!
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