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TonUpTiger last won the day on August 21 2020

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Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Fast Foils (at the moment)
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Derbyshire, UK
  • Interests
    Music, Motorbikes, Kites.

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Newbie (1/7)



  1. Thanks Makatakam. That makes sense, the synapse is certainly lower spec than I was hoping so it being supplied with cheaper/coarser lines fits that bill. I’ll probably use the Quantum lines on both kites as less snags, tangles, and drag is always a good thing.
  2. Hello All, If anyone can share some line knowledge with me I'd really appreciate it. The pics below are of the line sets that came with my Prism Quantum 2 and Synapse 200. According to the Prism website, both kites should fly the same lines (150lb dyneema), but the two sets I have seem totally different in feel and diameter. The Synapse set on the left are much chunkier and less smooth than the Quantum set on the right. Can anyone tell me which set looks more like the 150lb dyneema set? Thanks, Wayne.
  3. Many thanks for the advice folks, I really appreciate you taking the time. Any bridle adjustments I've made have been small and methodical and always return to neutral after flight, I learned that from reading these boards 😉 The sail is a little loose in the middle but the trailing edge seems okay. I did notice some play in the upper/lower leading edge connectors so I might try packing them out a little so they are snug. Anyway, I had the Nexus up again today with a deliberate "that's just how it is", mindset and it felt better. It was still shaking and flapping in a low-ish wind but I just decided to enjoy what I had. I think I'm going to be looking for a frame delta that works better for me in the near future (as well as a smaller, faster foil for higher winds). But until I've done my research the Nexus will keep flying. Cheers, Wayne
  4. Hello All, First time post for me although I've been soaking up the knowledge on offer since I discovered the site a few months ago. I've been flying a HQ Symphony Beach 2.2 for a little over a year and have been loving being dragged on my butt in high winds, coaxing it around the sky in low winds and just buzzing around in regular wings. There has been very few situation this thing won't fly. So a few months ago I thought I'd try my hand with a framed delta and maybe learn a few tricks and have a another kind of kite to play with. Enter the Prism Nexus and let the frustration begin. I'll admit I wasn't ready for the manoeuvrability the first time it went up and I ended up nosediving it and splitting the spine. So that got fixed and I've now got a good handle on how to launch it, fly it and land it without burying it in the grass. Yay me. But the frustration doesn't stop there. I'm having problems getting the kite to fly consistently. I've adjusted the bridle to try and match the wind but the slightest gust sets the leading edges wobbling and bowing. If the wind gets a bit more speed in it the shudder can be felt in the wrist straps and the sail starts flapping and screaming as the kite lurches across the wind window. It is not an elegant sight. For example. The other day I was at a local field with a nice wind of about 12mph. I set up the Nexus, gave the lines a tug to launch and the kite was reluctant to rise quickly. Once in the air it started wobbling its leading edges and flapping its sail. Over the course of an hour I kept landing it and adjusting the bridles a bit, then try again but It didn't help much at all. I couldn't tune out the shudder. I know this all sounds like classic symptoms of too much wind but I'm pretty sure it never got above 15mph (the wind was moving tops of trees but not blowing leaves about). So then I decided to pack up the Nexus and get the Symphony out and that flew like a dream, zipping about with no complaints right across the wind window. I want to like flying framed deltas but so far I'm not having a fun time. Am I expecting too much of the Nexus? Do frame kites have much less tolerance of wind conditions compared to foils? Do I need a better/different kite? Sorry for the newbie post and thanks in advance for any advise or help. Wayne
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