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Juan Mejías

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Everything posted by Juan Mejías

  1. They say they're not shipping abroad at the moment, because of corona. But I can try again in a few months, so I'll do that. ⏳
  2. Aahhh, damn it! They replied pretty fast (see below)
  3. That is exactly what I was looking for. By the way, using it for KAP sounds quite cool. Not sure if they'd be willing to ship it to the Netherlands (where I'm located). I've sent them a message and I'm crossing my fingers. Thanks for the tip!
  4. Thanks! I actually knew those, but I'd like to find a commercial model I can buy off the shelf (if there's one, maybe it's just not there)
  5. @ZBear, yes, that's what I meant (climbing the line, then dropping when reaching the kite, instead of sliding back down the line). I'd love to find something like that, do you know where to buy it?
  6. I get your point, although it seems a pity. Parachuting teddy bears sounds awesome to me. 🙂
  7. Thanks Edmund! I'd prefer one where the messenger is actually dropped after reaching the top, rather than coming down the line, but still these are both pretty good options that I didn't know. By googling those I also just learned that they're known as "kite ferries", which I also didn't know. Appreciated!
  8. Hi all, I was wondering if there's a commercial model of kite messenger available (you know, the device to carry things along the line pushed by the wind, and then release it once it reaches the kite) I've been looking for quite a while, but can't seem to find any. Thanks! NOTE: I know it's possible to make your own, but in this case I'm looking for one I can buy, if there's one.
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