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Michael Marmaras

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Everything posted by Michael Marmaras

  1. When you finish the quad it won't be that close to the original. Every copies good kite designs. They just don't won't you selling and marketing them. Mary Ann steered you wright. Tapered rod is also a good benefit. Good to also use internal ferrules. Knew it would fly good. Just play with bridle adjustment. Those Prism kites are tough. Love them. I'm a pretty reckless flier and hardly ever break. Send me a picture. What quad are you building? Easier build than other one. Mary Ann has quad kite rods for some Revs I used them in all of mine. Think CXL. Large diam. But rebound fast for fast responsive Quad. Have FUN! Michael
  2. You two flown that beast yet? It should pull pretty hard in medium winds. My 2 home made eight footers are too much for me in strong wind. Micron is better for us old folks in strong wind. Still a hoot! Michael
  3. I have been a fighter kite enthusiast for 40 years. Make all of them and prefer miniature ones about half scale about 6" across. Able to fly them in no wind or others hurricane winds. Love and make full size ones too. Entire back yard is giant bamboo that bamboozled us and the neighbors. Use for spars.Point is there are zero and ight wind stunt kites too. Flown some in large indoor areas. Don't let light winds keep you home! Pick up or make some cheap fighters. You WILL have a grin on your face. Wren is a nice light wind stunt kite. Michael
  4. Yes untie the green and slip on larks head. It's possible to tie with out removing but easy to get wrong. Another way is to use a simple locking slip knot. Tension is adjustable by how many loops. I always make all line attachment point adjustable with small 3" line with 3 knots and then attach all 3 bridle lines with simple loop that you fold over into single larks head. High end kites use this system to fine tune all three bridle lines. Important to totally change kite dynamics. Have fun!
  5. Awesome he is wind surfer! The lower spreader IS going to break first. You need that major stress point to be replaced with a SkyShark wrapped rod. Mary Anne at Kites and Fun Things has best prices on SS spars. Your pultruded rods are fine on LE and upper spreader.. Have a Fun Labor Day ! My b-day is Wednesday so I will take the week off. I will have fun as you will too
  6. 15 knots sure will give you plenty of feed back. Will be a day you both will remember. I think crashing violently is half the fun. Repairs imenent
  7. Hey It's awsome you are bonding with your son over something you both can enjoy for a life time. 88 year old Dad and me still fly
  8. Hey It's awsome you are bonding with your son over something you both can enjoy for a life time. 88 year old Dad and me still fly
  9. You both will have an awesome time together!
  10. I'm wanting to fly!
  11. Love you are teaching your son should be fun. Kids catch on to stunt kites really quickly. A great kite for kids is the tiny Micron prism. Unbreakable needs some strong wind but screamingly fast at super strong wind. Kids love the speed and pivot turns. Taught many on mine. Poor kite. When your machine won't get through thick layers try just turning the wheel by hand. Good idea on sharing mistakes. I made them all. Sure it will fly great. Have fun. Quads are really easy to sew and build, you might try that for next build. Flying it is another challenge. You two have fun!
  12. If that's your first build you did a really nice job. Let us know how it behaves.
  13. If you have 2 extra ferrules you can temporarily tape to end of both spreaders to widen kite to be more trick happy. Easy to change it up.
  14. Hey Babssmm, Not familiar with that kite. I usually look at basic picture and just build. Not really a wrong way to do it and it's kind of your design at the end. Most anything will fly. Even my tiny 8" fighter kites fly super fast in strong to medium winds. Good plan site is kite plans.org. Fly High
  15. Your about there. Hard tedious sewing done. I'm really sloppy at sewing. I would use the 150 for bridle because the larks head will not slip as easy. Fly lines use what you got they are very hard to break unless you like hurricane winds like me. Stormy Pete can take it. Don't know about me hanging on. Make bridle adjustable at all connection points is really nice to fine tune. Think I said how? Just tie about 3 " length with a few single knots tied to leading edge and spine. Then just tie a simple loop at the ends of the finish bridle and lark head attach. Easy to adjust on different knots plus it will compensate for errors in length from right and left side. Fly high like me. Michael
  16. Understand your question now. Most bridles are adjustable up and down the green line. Double lark head is great. I tie a single overhand loop knot at end so it's easy to pull loose and adjust.
  17. Melting ripstop is a very weak connection. Sew and Always back stich
  18. Been there, I attach a small line to each kite spar point . 2 leading edge one spine. 3 total. Tie 3 knots 1/4 " on each, then attach your 3 bridle lines to the knoted 3 lines with a simple larkhead . Very easy to assemble and adjust. Slp lock knots also very easy but might slip depending on bridle sting . Get close to the sweet spot viewing kite and it will FLY.lower bottom outside edge sites can help you
  19. Nice sew job on Velcro hard to get tension correct. Back seam good too? Sew On
  20. Looks better than all of mine so far. Sewing gets better with time. Sister was a sewing teacher at college and says I suck.
  21. Looking real nice. Easier to sew reinforcing seams with straight stitch. Make sure you leave enough room for spars at nose. Sew On!
  22. I used wood dowels for ferrules. Just make a really tight fit. Has not broke there but broke where hollow. I make all the connections with homemade stuff to have more fun building and those parts add up fast$. Gas line tubing works great. Don't worry about looks nobody cares when you have a big grin flying YOUR kite. Michael
  23. Looks great. When in doubt back stich , won't look as good but won't ever unravel. Hey told you you would make all the mistakes. Live and Learn. Next one will be a piece of cake!
  24. Sew on almost there.
  25. Use smaller needle if you can. Yes the new stricth is what most use. Tension is something we all need to keep an eye on sewing this thin slippery stuff
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