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Everything posted by Backspin23

  1. hello just got back sooo.... here is a quick review of how it went. Saturday Started ok cloudy sky with no wind building to 10mph with blue sky, pretty fun, then rained and rained. had to call it quits at about 2.30 3.00ish Sunday After raining all night the morning started the same and Saturday, but the wind quickly built up to 6-10 mph with tons of blue sky, giant kites, and inflatables in the air, lots of stunt kites flying. The way a kite festival should be. Oh yeah there was the lake in the middle of the beach all weekend, but we moved the fields down the beach and it worked out pretty well. All the fliers did a great job and we all had a lot of fun and so thats basically how it went, i left at 3.30 so im not sure what else happend, lots of fun though, sorry you couldn't make it Penny JD
  2. 100 foot lines should be good for you to learn on. I believe John usually flyes on 100 to 120 foot lines, however his kite's wing spand is about 90 inches. If your kite is significantly smaller and hard to see at that range then 80-100 feet should do you good, or even shorter if it is still difficult to see. I don't know how well the invento tricks, but I'm sure you could learn axels, cascades and stuff like that. The trickability of the kite, isn't only related to the wing spand, it depends on what the kite was built for. Hope this helps JD
  3. Yup I'm in, probably arrive on friday at 6 ish JD
  4. Well pretty good for these crummy Grant Pass winds I'll give it a proper test flight this weekend at the coast then the week after that at Lincoln City, wohoo JD
  5. Last one
  6. and me too
  7. Here is a picture of my new Sea Devil
  8. Yup I'll be at Lincoln City. Sould be fun. The summer one had almost perfect weather. heres hope'n this one does too. cant wait JD
  9. Well I tried adding another 20 grams to it and it feels a whole lot better. I am still amazed at how slowly it can do a jaccobs, it just floats throughout the entire thing, and is so easy to do. thanks again for your help JD
  10. there we go. it was a slip knot pretty easy now that i've done it once. well the scale said .2 ounces so thats about 6 or 7 grams i guess. ok so ill probably add 10 or 20 grams to it and see how it flys. More wind wouldn't hurt either. JD
  11. ok, then i guess i only got the 7 grams ill weigh it once i get that stubbern knot undone JD
  12. I tried it with some crazy straws but my lines just got tangled up...a lot JD
  13. Alright thanks John, doesn't sound too difficult. but i just talked to Lam a little while ago to let him know i got the kite and he said the stock weight he put on was 37 grams... so i dont think ill need any more, maybe even a little less. but i was amazed on how well the kite flew with almost zero wind.
  14. I finally got my Sea Devil today. and it flew great, but I think that adding weight would help, so how exactly do you undo the knot thing at the botton of the back spreader. Do you just untie it where the bungie is or is there a spiffy trick you do that makes it really easy and fast. thanks JD
  15. Sounds good John, Thanks for the tip JD
  16. the beetle is a very good kite, but only to learn basic flying, but from my experences with it the small surface area makes it too unstable to do many slack line tricks. It is however nearly perfect for someone who is totally new to flying and wants a great cheep nearly indestructable kite to learn to fly with. I haven't flown a wren before, however i tried a prism mirage a few weeks ago and it is very good with tricks, but it takes about 5 mph to fly good, and I think it runs about $120 JD
  17. Hello, I found a real good song to fly to, however I only like the first 3 minutes. And the song is 7 minutes long!! so how would i edit the song to stop after 3 minutes? apparently it is a MPEG 4 file but i believe it is also protected, so would i even be able to edit it at all Thanks for your help JD
  18. Hello all, I just got permission to use my school gym durring 7th period (my class off) to practice flying. The gyms are used after by chearleading and vollyball practice. So i've been practicing flying my 1.5 with an ul leading edge. I do ok but I was wondering how to do reverse flight. I just can't seem to keep the kite stable. I'm using outdoor exteded handles and ten foot lines.
  19. hi Penny Ya im happy i can go to. I have a question for you about indoor quads. I will probably get one soon, so i was wondering about how long of lines you use. Does 10 ft. sound good, or too long/short? I also wanted to know if all four lines are the same length or are to top ones a little longer/shorter. ill also be makeing some outdoor 40 lines too. thanks jd
  20. Yay i got no school that week, spring break so ill be at that festival thanks jd
  21. Could someone please tell me when it is going to be in 05? Then I'll know if i can make it, as long as it's on my spring break. Couldn't make it last year cause i couldn't miss that much school. but hopefully ill make it this year jd
  22. I'm looking at getting an indoor rev, but I don't really care for the default colors. So what would be the best way for me to paint it. I was hoping to be able to make it a black background with some blue flames. Penny already gave me some advice on what paint to use, I was just wondering if anyone had some other technique that works good for them thanks. jd
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