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Everything posted by photomom

  1. We started our kite flying journey with single line kites. And on this day they were the only ones out of the bag. It was very relaxing. Back To Our Roots
  2. I have to agree. Hot pink is not one of my favorite colors. But to have this vintage kite, I will put up with it.
  3. Thank you. The bidding got really crazy the last minute or so. It took me a while after the bidding ended to realize I had the winning bid. Then I was literally jumping up and down. Now I'm waiting for just the right day and right wind to give it it's first flight.
  4. Haven't been flying lately. Instead I've been doing some buying. Take a look at my latest acquisitions. New Additions To The Kite Bag
  5. Tried to do some flying on Easter Sunday. Turns out it wasn't kites we flew. Belated Happy Easter
  6. At last, I'm finally caught up with our flying days. And with the new additions to our kite bags. Yes, I said new additions. Take a look and enjoy. Playing Catch-Up III
  7. Working on Safari.
  8. It's great to see you blogging. I like the description of KP from your point of view. And including photos makes it more interesting. Keep it up. I will be looking eagerly for more of your adventures.
  9. photomom

    Shanti Skywave

    From the album: Photomom's

  10. Here's the continuation of my attempt at catching up. I'm almost there. This one is a little more introspective. I do have my moments, rare though they may be. Playing Catch-Up II
  11. I've gotten behind in posting on the blog. So here's the beginning of catching up. Playing Catch-Up
  12. The site is working on Safari. But I've gotten HTML code for the site sponsors since around the time you went to Dubai. Didn't really affect me or my browsing and I knew you'd get to it when things settled down. I've never gotten a download popup.
  13. photomom

    Just one more

    Our problem is there is very little new and interesting kites coming out for adults. We've got almost as much inventory as the kite shop. Not counting the small kid's diamonds and deltas.
  14. photomom

    Just one more

    Never alone. Our rationalizing is done at our kite shop. It's dangerous living near a kite shop.
  15. When one hasn't flown much in a while, desperation can lead to innovation. And such was last week's kite fly.. Where There's A Will...
  16. We traveled to Florida to attend Kitemania South. The weather didn't cooperate all that much but the company was great. We brought light and medium wind kites and, of course, the winds were "blowing a gale". And then there was the rain. We're planning on going again next year. Hopefully we'll have the right kites and better weather. This Is Not A Festival
  17. photomom

    The Reflex

    Got a look at the new Reflex Rev. Pretty sail pattern. Who's going to jump in and get one?
  18. The weather for the weekly kite club fly was once again unfavorable. So instead of flying we went to the kite shop to visit with other flyers and see what was new. The problem was there was something new and I ended up taking more kites home with me. Check out the following blog link to find out what is new in my kite bag. The Problem With 'Hanging Out' At The Kite Shop
  19. We have a cat/house sitter who is like a daughter to us.
  20. Got home and the envelope was waiting on the kitchen table. Weather was crappy this week in VA, too. Spending time with the grandbabies made it a good week despite the weather.
  21. I'm hoping ours are there when we get home.
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