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Everything posted by photomom

  1. You don't need to know your number. The only number that's important is mine. It's MINE, ALL MINE. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I PMed him here with my thoughts. As I have been flamed in the past for expressing my opinions, it's probably better this way. John understands.
  3. * sad face * Why not? No comment box comes up to type in. I assume it's because we are not FB friends. That's not a bad thing. It's much better here anyway.
  4. Nick, we are friends. Just not on FB. If we weren't friends, I wouldn't put up with your banter. LOL
  5. I'm on FB. But as we are not friends, I cannot comment.
  6. NO!! NO!! NO!! THIS ONE IS MINE!!!!!!!! ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Since I have a couple of these, I'll take a stab at it. 1. White Bird Shield 2. White Bird Diamond 3. Joel Scholz fish 4. Joel Scholz goose 5. Joel Scholz Parrot So, what do I win? LOL
  8. Jumping up and down and waving my arms!!!!!!!!!!!! Me!! Me!! Me!! (Especially since no one else is interested. As evidenced by the lack of banter.)
  9. I haven't had any issues using Safari. Have remained logged in forever. I probably have jinxed myself now.
  10. I can't believe how many times our flying days have been rained out this year. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow, too, and I haven't been able to fly since who knows when. It's either been crappy weather or we've been out of town. kjm
  11. Merry Christmas to all my kite friends here. Wanted to fly today but the temperature and my cold kept me home. I need to get healthy because we are going to see our grandson next week. The kite gift under the tree this year was a new kite bag. In fact, it was the Rev bag that wasn't even on my list. What a surprise! The other surprise was that after the first of the year I will be getting the signature Rev for Kites Unlimited. I really need to improve my Rev skills. So if I don't get here before next week -- Have a Happy New Year!!!!!! kjm
  12. A little groveling never hurt. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Congratulations, Adam! Nick - Sorry to hear about all your computer problems. My laptop did the screen of death this past fall. But it came back to like about three weeks later. I just threatened it with the local repairman. I think it decided my tender ministrations were better than his probing in the innards with screwdriver and pliers. Hope you get everything worked out soon. kjm
  14. Yes, a visit to the Southern Outer Banks of NC would be nice.
  15. ME! ME!! ME!!! ME!!!! ME!!!!! This would go so great with my stack of hyper kites the Sundowners signed for me. OH! OH!!! OH!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. We are all a bit mad. The insanity is what keeps us sane. "One string to rule them all, one string to find them, one string to rule them all and in the blue skies bind them."
  17. Or so you think. Let's see what the RNG thinks. Right my buddy (RNG)? Remember who your friend is. ME!!!!!!!
  18. No. I had the green tomato soup later. Great soup. Lots of garlic. Maybe it was because I was still in my pajamas.
  19. I tried out the chat room just now. And I got the doorbell when someone else entered. Although they left without saying a word. I hope it wasn't something I said. LOL
  20. Tried to do a fly to music once. Even wore a costume to go with the music. The music wouldn't play and I ended up ad-libbing the whole thing. The costume looked strange because there was no music to go with it. Did anyone care? Only me. Everyone else enjoyed watching the kite. No credentials needed. Just the guts to get out there. I'm going to practice a bit more this year and try again. Let's hope the music workd this time.
  21. Good luck, Nick. I'm nursing my laptop along right now, too. Good thing I have a desktop and iPad to fall back on. I really don't like that all the laptops coming out now are smaller and lighter. I need somethig substantial to hang onto and that can slide off the couch onto the carpet and not split in two.
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