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Eric Allen

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Everything posted by Eric Allen

  1. I just saw this-I'll take a look-I have mad graphic design skillz...
  2. Lessee: 1.5 sul, std, vented. Indoor. Deca 6, Zero wind deca, Minergy.
  3. you can also glue gun it for a quick repair. most of my revs have touchups like that on them. make sure you smooth it out a bit before it cools.
  4. Don't know-my mother-in-law is in town and I have no idea what's planned. I'll be there if I can get away. I'll be super rusty and my kites will be out of tune. Big fun!
  5. If I have time I'll work on it... Do you have anything else to say about what you want? What size do you want it in?
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