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Repost--KITE-ARIANISM!!” Case anyone missed it.


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YES!! ------That’s Right--------“KITE-ARIANISM!!”--------------------

I have just formed a new religion! And, as of now, I am a Kite-arian…as a matter of fact, I believe, I’m probably the first ever Kite-arian!!

You might say, “Well, kiting has been around a long time before you showed up!” Yes, that’s true, but “I” put a “name” on it. And that’s all the really big boys (and gals?!?!) really did. Take Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, Christ, Buddha (and whoever else)…the Truth was there a long time before they ever showed up too, but they put “names” on it and gave directions to follow.

I suppose it is actually a “new” religion in some respects, because it has no dogma or verbal belief system and it doesn’t expect money from you every time you show up. You can yell out “DAMN IT” or “LAUGH” out loud anytime you like, which I could never do in other religions (and get away with it…heehee). So I suppose it’s more of a spiritual group than a formal religion, but we’ll call it a religion anyway, because I go kiting “religiously!!”

And what makes it a religion?

Well, it has all the basics of any other religion, which is worth its salt!

Deep within each of us is a place of Absolute Truth…a place of silence, purity, freedom, happiness and love…”That’s our True Self”. And "all" religions try to lead people “there” by many different methods…but common to them all is: to detach from worldly concerns…to quiet one’s mind or fully concentrate on something other than ourselves…….and be open to “Experience!”


Ever Fly a Kite? If you have you've been practicing all of the above , you have been practicing “KITE-ARIANISM” (it's that natural in kiting) and you are a “KITE-ARIAN”, but probably just never knew it, until now!!

It's sort of like a "Holy Trinity" between the Material Form (the earth and ourselves)...the Sky (god)...and the Kite (the connection or spirit between the two)....and of course the "Wind"...that's the Element of Grace.

And the directions in this new religion are very simple: "Go Fly a Kite!!"

LITS, (Love In The Spirit)


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