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How to secure sail to nock

Guest LeeBB

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Guest LeeBB

Hello All, I just got the acrobatx ul unpack, I have a small problem, the sail that you attach to the end of the leading edge nock,   The acrobatx is not exactly the same as the Kymera, Can Someone please show me how , tell me how to secure the sail to the nock properly , Any Pictures would be great.  I have it secure but I don’t think I’m doing it the proper way. 


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The Flying Wings kites usually have an instruction sheet addressing this iirc, perhaps not here.

The white line (leech line), a loop in your pic, goes on first, generally.

On the wingtip tensioner aspect, a brief search on here brought up a similar question for a Flying Wings Silver Fox -- see the pics in post #3 by Daniel in this thread:


 While not identical, the Prism video on doing up the Wingtip Tensioner linked below is of good general guidance as well. Others may chime in, too, with thoughts.

If the UL doesn't have vinyl end caps ("vecs") on the wing tips, they are a useful addition to consider. While it adds a wee bit of weight, it also adds security and protection of the knot system and nocks. The downside is if not tight enough they can be lost, but replacements are available at kite stores. I get long ones a size small in diameter and stretch them on after heating in warm water. (Not the end of the world to fly without vecs.)

The Prism link:


Hope this helps.


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Guest LeeBB

Hello, all.  I’ve  notice the bridal where the Line is attached is a lot shorter on the AcroX then it is on The Kymera.  I like the longer one on the Kymera much better ,  I want to redo this bridal exactly like the Kymera, What is the Kymera Bridal Made From.  Someone Mention 150# Line, This is not what’s on the Kymera?   

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Guest LeeBB
1 hour ago, knobby12 said:


//////If the UL doesn't have vinyl end caps ("vecs") on the wing tips, they are a useful addition to consider. While it adds a wee bit of weight, ////

It actually Has the end Caps, It’s very Nice  .  Thanks So much for the information 


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Please don't replace the bridle just yet. It was designed for it. The Kymera's was designed for it too, not the other. You need to fly it before deciding to change it. Every kite is  designed around certain performance parameters, and the bridle is part of those performance goals. It might enhance certain things and limit others. Give it a try first.

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Guest LeeBB

Ok Wayne, I’ll try it first, no problem.  Hopefully today I have a chance to go fly.  Thanks again, good talking with you last night Friend.  

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Read up on how long it's taking JB to tweak the bridle settings on the Djinn. It's a lot more complex then it 1st appears. The long leaders most of the time are thicker to help with roll up tricks and to protect the TE. Changing the configuration of a UL will be more dramatic than a standard. When reading up on bridal tweaks most of those people have years of flying all kinds of kites. Only tweaks Iv'e done is move the top attachments on LE from top to bottom of connector or vice versa. Only on a few kites and all went back to stock. One kite it helped in precision moves a lot. Took some of the excitement out of it though. Another one moving from top to bottom increased top wind range a bit.

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Think of it as a total package type thing. The bridle and kite are developed together and work together. The bridle might be a certain way to help bring out some features of the kite. Or limit others.

But I do know you can switch types of bridles  - 2 kinds I know are - 3 point or turbo. What the differences are I'm not clear on, I just flew mine stock. Just learned to make a few simple adjustments based on conditions. Others might have more info on the subject.....

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Guest LeeBB

Thanks Wayne, I’m going to fly her as is for now.  I just liked the long leaders on the Kymera that’s all.  Thanks for all y’all Help.  Y’all have a Fly day today!!

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Make your own long leaders and attach them on the bridle's attachment pigtails. Most make them around 3'  long, they protect the TE from damage in roll up tricks. You can make some and by using a larkshead knot, move them to any kite you choose!

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Should be made from bridle line, might need to match the strength to get a similar thickness, but easily done. Just make the loop at the kite end plenty big and both the same length from knot to loop. 

Remember to burn the ends to keep them from fraying!!

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