
Cover Story: Kite speed on the water, with Pierre Fabre looking into the Wipicat system of French sailor/inventors Bruno and Dominique Legaignoux. Features: Discovering the kites of South America, with Mel Govig in Colombia and Pierre Fabre in Brazil; a Buggy Bonanza, including Michèle Velthuizen-de Vries on the 1st Buggy Boogie Thang at Lake Ivanpah, CA, and Peter and Anne Whitehead on the 1st World Kite Buggy Championships, plus plans for Larry Gleckner’s Scoot Buggy and Bob Childs’ in-line skate conversion, the Wheels of Doom; Simon Freidin at Australia’s 16th annual Festival of the Winds, with George Peters on Sandimals, his animated sand-filled kite anchors. Departments: Letter from the Publisher: subscribers Philip and Phylis Morrison on the virtues of a kite journal; Design Workshop: the Agreeable Little Delta by Kevin Shannon; What’s New Kites: the Kestrel by Sky Delight, the Synergy-Deca by Guildworks Kite Studio, three soft bugs by Martin Lester (the Ladybird, Firefly and Bumblebee), a Sauls Barrage kite from One of Jerry’s Kites and the Yakko Bee of Frank Schwiemann, plus a new computer program for simulating flying routines from Peter van den Hamer; What’s New: Books: Neue Lenkdrachen and Einleiner bauen and fliegen (New Stunt Kites and One-Liners to Make and Fly) by Schimmelpfennig, Kite Precision by Reich, Making Kites by Baker and Denyer, Box Kites Making and Flying by Cochrane, Four Krazy Kites by Pelham, Step-by-Step Making Kites by Michael and books news and forecasts; It Works for Me: a selection of line tensioners from Ron Gibian and Mel Govig; For the Record: 41 Rev II kites in Erie, PA, an update on Ray Bethell and Troy Gunn’s stunt kite duration records and a Guinness Book of Records change; Empty Spaces in the Sky: Douglas A. Hagaman remembered by Tal Streeter, Stephen John Bernstein, Marjorie Harrison and Emma (Billie) Jalbert; In the Wind: Huberman’s Urban Wind Star at the Smithsonian Kite Festival and other news; SkyGallery: Reza Ragheb kites, photos by Helen and Reza Ragheb, Valerie Govig, Tim Marusczak and Alex Dienst.

Cover Photo:

Easy to launch, hard to crash, the wet and wild wing of the French WIPICAT system will whip you through the waves. Photograph by Bruno Legaignoux. (Story by Pierre Fabre on page 20.)

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