Greetings and welcome to another issue of KL! Like studious squirrels, we’re feverishly working to get you all through the long winter and kiting off-season with good kite content… Perhaps some of you are lucky enough to be ice skiing or in some other way taking advantage of Old Man Winter, but here in Portland OR we’re getting ready for our share of cold, and sometimes freezing rain.

Reader response to our daily AKA updates was overwhelming to say the least, and we greatly look forward to doing it again next year in our back yard, Seaside OR… Thanks to you, our site surpassed September’s visitor count of 22,833 (a previous record) by a whopping 3,268 – making a grand total of 26,101 visits for the month of October and a new all time record for Kitelife!

Also, please feel free to check out some of the free web page translation services now listed on our links page… There are so many of us in so many countries, it’s nice to be able to communicate more freely.

Starting last October we made available voluntary subscriptions to our members area, where we’ll be featuring exclusive photo and video galleries, as well as a free prize drawing for kite packages from one of our excellent sponsors… Proceeds go directly to expansion and operating costs of Kitelife, we encourage you to take a direct hand in bringing the very best kiting coverage to the web by becoming a subscriber today!

The KL offices are still a one man show… Aside from some article content, I’m hustling 2-6 hours per day after my regular 8 hour job to keep the good stuff coming. I cannot say this enough, tell us what’s happening in your area! The way to generate that energy we need for growth is by promoting your own local events, clubs and fliers as much as possible and you have an open, responsive venue here in Kitelife… Take full advantage of it!

Cordially yours,

John Barresi
Kitelife Magazine

Next Prize Drawing to be held soon!