When you browse the pages of Kitelife there is quite a bit that happens to put these pages online… One of the most important aspects is the letters we receive from our readers regarding format, content, as well as those seeking social and promotional information about kite flying… Here are a few of the most recent comments we’ve received.
I regularly read KiteLife, and for us still on pay-by-the-minute dial-up in the UK (broadband isn’t everywhere, and isn’t cheap enough yet), can we please have a “next article” button at the foot of each page? Having to go “back” to the index, then scrolling down to the next unread article to click on it, takes time and costs.
Roy M.
Per your suggestion, you will now find links at the bottom of each article linking to the next feature in that issue… Thank you very kindly for taking the time to read Kitelife. JB
Latest issue of KL is great (as usual) AND very interested in hearing that your gonna put out the old SKQ stuff. It was pretty much filled with a lot of what’s now “History” of Comp Kiteflying when it was just getting started. At the time it was almost all “insider” stuff, that the average Joe didn’t get unless they were also in the “Clique”, but now it will make a great “History” lesson.
You’re right about “digging out” SKQ issues. Most all of what Cris did for each issue was “literally” cut and paste. And I don’t mean computer. We actually used scissors, hot wax and layout boards. Each issue got torn apart after it got printed because we used some of the artwork (like ads and stuff) from issue to issue. Cris even kept the subscribers list on (ready for this) Index cards in a little metal box.
This generation of fliers need to see what it was like when everyone was trying to figure out whether we needed rules or not. And that rules and figures varied from event to event! Heck, it wasn’t even called “sport kites”.
Al Hargus
As the former Assistant Editor of SKQ, we were exceedingly tickled to have you on board Al… Magazines like SKQ embody what is that we’re trying to preserve here at KL, and it only makes sense to start with such a project. Also, we’re extra pleased to have you as a Kitelife Subscriber… Thank you! JB
And G’day from down unders, down under!! Just a note to say what a great job you’re doing with the e-mag you have managed to build on the great foundation that Mike started. I should say well done to both of you.
I was wondering about the availability of the Videos and archived SKQ pdfs and KiteLife e-mags burnt to a CD for those who don’t have the super dooper web access with all the speedy gee wizzer things? Is this something that you might look at soon or in the future?
David G.
A very worthwhile suggestion… Give us a month or two to research the best way to do this, but you can count on it being added in the not too distant future. JB
Please consider yourself most welcome to write us with any question, input, praise or complaint.