Good day, good flight… Workshops continued this morning, while many of yesterday’s competitors were scanning the newly posted scores for NIP, EIB, MIP, MMP, MMB, OTT, ETP, and indoor events (see score sheet thumbnails below).

Coming back for more sport kite events today, fliers vied for top three in several categories… As one of the judges for a couple disciplines today, I didn’t get to see a good deal of the other performances but was treated to watching some of the Masters Pairs teams practicing for their event before the pilot’s briefing.

Look for TBA’s for today’s events in tomorrow’s update… We’ll keep you posted.

The pilot’s meeting this morning held a lot of familiar faces from all over the country, can you name all of the people shown in the next photo?

Also happening throughout the day on the beach directly in front of the promenade… Comprehensive Kitemaking Competitions, featuring a variety of categories!  This is the event attendees sometimes spend several months or more preparing a special work of art for the competition, and of course to ultimately share with onlookers.

Tomorrow sport kite competition has the day off, and I’ll be sure to spend a good more time down on the single line and demo field – getting what I hope to be an even better array of photos for our visitors.

Evening activities included the annual business meeting where AKA Officers and members alike voted on a few basic organizational tasks, such as a few committee nominations, brought the AKA budget forth to keep attendees up to date, and followed up with a round of questions and statements between members and officers.

Discussed topics included personal liability insurance for members, prospective locations for the 2006 convention – including Des Moines, IA, Chicago, IL and New Orleans, LA, as well as the possibility of the 2005 World Team Championships being held in Oregon or Washington next year!

Well my friends, it is definitely past my bedtime and I’d like to make the Sport Kite Symposium tomorrow morning… I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s report, and I’ll see you tomorrow night.

John Barresi