What a great week it’s been here in Wildwood, getting to see all my old friends from the east coast… It doesn’t happen nearly enough, and the ECSKC is certainly the one event where I can see almost everyone at the same time.

Making our way out onto the beach around 10am, Lam and I flew for a couple of hours, practicing tricks and shooting a bunch of video, then right around noon we headed over to the convention center just as first indoor event was ending.

One of my personal favorites from “back in the day” came into town just for the indoor events… Scott “Zorro” Weider flew his Indoor Rev with incredible grace, showing he’s still got the skills.

This was also the first time I’d ever seen an indoor competition run in three different disciplines… Eight total fliers competed in dual line, quad line, and indoor unlimited events.

The flying area was enormous, allowing fliers to use lines as long as 25′ or so… We don’t often have that kind of overhead to fly in, and it definitely lends to a performance when you’re able to fit steps and corners into your routine.

Thanks again to event coordinators Rick and Robyne Gardner, all indoor events went off without a hitch… Here are the final results:

OIDB – Open Indoor Dual-line Ballet

1 Jon Trennepohl 71.17
2 Shawn Tinkham 69.53
3 Michael Moore 61.85
4 Mike Mosman 59.58

OIMB – Open Indoor Multi-line Ballet

1 Scott Weider 72.10
2 Shawn Tinkham 70.21
3 Michael Moore 58.94

OIIU – Open Individual Indoor Unlimited

1 Lam Hoac 82.23
2 Shawn Tinkham 74.08
3 Scott Weider 69.57
4 Michael Moore 68.40
5 Paul LaMasters 65.92
6 Mike Mosman 54.83
7 Doug Coates 41.52

Lee and Deb Park (Aerial Experience) also did two different demonstrations using their Synergy Deca kites, showing the crowd of 50 or so spectators the skills that have made these fliers so well known… Great choreography, stage presence, acrobatics and always with a great theme attached.

With an excellent showing from all participants, plus a decent and appreciative crowd, this proved to be a great day for indoor flying… There are rumors that next year’s ECSKC could very well feature a full blown indoor production and floor show, keep an ear out for news on this as it develops.

After the indoor events I just had to hit the beach one more time. With an AMAZING 4-6 mph breeze coming off the ocean, the sun shining and my tunes in my ears, it just does not get any better!

Ron Gibian, David Gomberg, Al Sparling, Scott Spencer, Ron Graziano, Vern Balodis, Scott Weider and a few other fliers were taking full advantage as well… Heck, Gomberg (author of How to Fly a Stunt Kite and our AKA President) even jumped on my Sea Devil for a moment for some dual line action.

A large number of those who were lingering in Wildwood overnight gathered at a local restaurant, while others opted to partake in some of Lam’s renowned cooking… We each pitched in $15 or so, and settled down into the evening with full bellies, good conversation and great friends.

This brings our daily updates from ECSKC to a close, and I hope you’ve at least gotten a taste of what has occured here over the last few days… Next we’ll be coming to you with dailies from the World Sport Kite Championships, be sure to tune in.

Cordially yours,

John Barresi