We don’t hear from our visitors HARDLY enough, and are always thrilled to post comments when we get them… It’s your feedback that helps us streamline, and gives us additional insight into what we do here.

I couldn’t begin to express how important your comments are, and I’d like to personally invite each and every one of you to share your thoughts with us… Positive or negative, drop us a line!

John Barresi
Kitelife Magazine


Thank you for your coverage of the 2005 Wind Party in Argentina, I want to share this vídeo about Wind Party in Buenos Aires 2005 from this site:

http://www.batoco.org/videos/barriletesdemoweb.wmv (6.19MB)

Please, this video is for all people who want to see more from our festival… I hope that enjoy it!

…”El Alma del Piloto”…
…”The soul of the Pilot”…

Gustavo Di Si

Thank you for sharing the video Gustavo, I greatly enjoyed it… What kite enthusiasts are doing in Argentina, it amazes me… Somewhat reminiscent of kiting in the USA during the late 80s and early 90s, I am very pleased to see so many styles of performance and kite designs in use.

Keep up the great work, make sure we keep getting those reports and photos!

I really enjoyed talking with you (and your mom and step-dad) and watching you compete. St. Augustine was an exceptional festival and competition. I also met and talked with David Hathaway, another great guy. I enjoyed his current Rev column “Bicycle Bicycle“. I wish I had you guys in my backyard.

Also, I truly enjoy your kite reviews. You make a guy want to go out and buy each and every kite. I saw a man flying some Mirages at Newport a couple of years ago, I didn’t know what they were at that time, but I was amazed at what he was doing. Now I know what they were. Just wish I had $300. Oh, well, a guy can dream, maybe the Acrobatx is more in my future.

Thanks again and I look forward to meeting you again sometime and also looking forward to the next issue of Kitelife.

Til then, Gather the Wind!

Dominic Juliano
Subscriber #122

Your support and kind words are greatly appreciated Dominic, it’s always nice to meet our subscribers face to face… Sometimes it’s a little tough to come up with kites to review, but we’ll do our best to keep a fairly regular batch of them in our issues.

Please let me know if there’s ever anything else that we can add to our content which you might find to be of use!

Send us your input!