Each month we’ll be featuring one of the fine retailers who have been so supportive of Kitelife and other areas of the kiting community…The retailers you’ll find here are established, proven vendors.

High Mountain Kites

Floor space

We are a home-based business. We sell out of our home as well as online. We also take part of our inventory with us when we travel, so we sell on the road, at the park and at events around town. We keep inventory on hand, but we don’t exactly have a showroom. As our business expands, we do plan to have a physical store here in Redmond, Oregon. A local architect is building a water park which will include a hotel and other businesses. We think this will be the perfect location to have our physical store.

Hours of operation

24/7 online

Years in business

Since September 2007

Years advertising with Kitelife

Since December 2007

Owner and/or manager names, with age(s)

Aaron & Cassandra Torgrimson 40yrs and 36 yrs respectively

Favorite food(s)

We both love mexican dishes

Last books read

Aaron : Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Cassandra : The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Favorite kite web site

Kitelife, Youtube for videos

Favorite flying spot

Hayden Park in Redmond, OR

Specialty of the store

We carry kites of all sizes and shapes, but I would have to
say that I want our shop to be known for the power and traction kites.

Also, in 2008 we plan on introducing a Kite Buggy that we designed and manufactured, so keep your eye out for it.

Motivation for opening a kite business

There are no public kite shops in Central Oregon. Sure, there are a few places you can buy a kite, but none of them have much variety or power kites, quad line kites or anything like that. When I wanted to buy a new kite for personal use, I had to buy it online. Also, we have a lot of windy days here in Central Oregon so it is a great place to live if you like to fly kites. So we figured, if we live in a windy area, we love to fly kites, there are no public kite shops here, why not open one? Plus we have two young daughters, that we homeschool, who love flying kites, especially daddy’s power kites, and they love helping with the business.

Most important advice ever received

I would have to say it was in the book I am reading: Think and Grow Rich, never let other people say you can not do something you are passionate about. Stay focused on what you want and go get it..

Nicest sale ever made

I have to say, even though it was not a large sale, the best is to my friend Marv. He bought a Vortex 4.9 and to see this kite almost lift him off the ground puts smiles on his face as well as mine.

Best fringe benefit as owner/manager

Well, you have to test products to make sure they are good quality before you sell them, right?

Favorite issue of Kitelife

All of course.