NKM and the AKA online…

If you want to have a great time celebrating the arrival of spring in April, you’re invited to join the biggest kite happening ever planned in North America. The AKA (American Kitefliers Association), in cooperation with the KTAI (Kite Trade Association International) has declared April to be National Kite Month.

National Kite Month is a not-for-profit venture co-founded by the American Kitefliers Association and the Kite Trade Association International. Kite events around the world help introduce people to the fun of kiteflying, the rich history of kites, the stunning artistry of kitemakers, and how kites can be used as educational tools.

To promote your event, we have a new poster available for free download from the NKM Poster page at:


The direct link to the PDF is:


The poster was designed by Bob Koch who won a prize of $100. Now that will help buy a cool new kite! After being informed that he was the contest winner, Mr. Koch wrote:

Thank you so much and please forward my thanks to Mr. Seltzer. (Chair of the NKM committee)

I am honored that my work will be used. 

I was introduced to AKA by my Brother-in-Law Ferris Anthony who is an avid kiteflyer. I was motivated to contribute as I was impressed with your group.  Your organization creates a format for people all over this country to enjoy, share and promote a fascinating activity. Proof of the value of your group’s effort can be seen at any of your events.  

Watch people.  Participant, spectator, or casual on-looker – everyone will at some time, pause, relax, and watch. Facing skyward with a smile.  Good stuff. We all need to do that.  We are fortunate that a group exists like yours to assure that happens, and that it happens more often.

Thanks again

Wow, that really reminds each of us of why we fly kites, and why it is important to support the AKA. Each member’s support helps us continue sharing the joy of kites.

National Kite Month officially began on March 27 with the Smithsonian Festival in Washington DC, the Lincoln City Indoor Festival in OR and numerous others across the globe. The celebration will continue thru the first weekend in May with a calendar full of events including BASKL in Berkeley CA and Weymouth International in the UK.

Have you registered your event? List them on the National Kite Month website at http://www.nationalkitemonth.org/events/register.shtml Events that are registered on the NKM website are eligible for weekly prize drawings. Several manufacturers have agreed to donate items for the winners. After the close of registration 4/30/2010, a $50 cash prize will be awarded to the organizer in each region that registered the most events. Yes, each of the 13 regions’ top organizers will receive a check.

Another fun project that everyone can participate in is the AKA’s Face Book petition pledging to fly a kite during National Kite Month. Our goal is 1000 signatures. Please take a minute to visit the webpage and sign. The URL directly to the petition is: http://apps.facebook.com/causes/petitions/418

One of the major events happening during April is the World Sport Kite Championships The seventh World Sport Kite Championships will be held in Berck sur Mer, France from 10- 18 April, 2010. Eight teams from around the world will be competing including Air Zone representing the AKA. Good luck wishes go to the team from all of us. Updates can be found on their Face Book page at WSKC.

Another major series of festivals all happening on Saturday April 24, 10 am central time, are the route 66 celebrations. Festivals are being planned all along the route, from Chicago to LA. I’ll be attending the largest in Joplin MO. Hope to see you there!

Big changes are coming to the AKA. Our intrepid webmaster for the last 15 years, Chuck Sigal, has decided to turn in his keyboard for kite lines and the open road. Thanks Chuck! He will be turning all the passwords over to John Gillespie, region 11 director on April 4. The goal is to modify the website so that more than one person can help to maintain and update. If you can help, send me a note. If you have requests for how you would like the website function, send me a note.

More and more content is available on-line. Many times family members all share an email address in our data base. We would love to have unique emails for each member. If your family now shares, please drop a note with the correct individual emails. Your email address is needed to access the Club House. Without access to the Club House, you’re missing out on past issues of Kiting, Aerial Eye, discounts at Motel 6 and more. Send email addresses to xd@aka.kite.org.

A new program targeted to non-members is a monthly advertising email. The signup is found on the first page of the AKA website.. The non-member newsletter is aimed at WORLDWIDE general topics rather than specific area by area news. Current members, you’re not missing out on anything. If you know of someone who has expressed an interest in kites, but is not ready to sign up, suggest they take advantage of this program.

Now my latest kite project is calling. I hope you find time to fly a kite this weekend and many more times during National Kite Month.

Time to fly!

Barbara Meyer
AKA president