Wow, seventy-one issues… Can you believe we’ve been at it this long? Even since I took over ownership from Kitelife’s original owner Mike Gillard in 2003, we’ve done fourty four issues and a great deal has happened in the meantime, much of which can be found in our archived pages here on the site.

We’re especially proud of the work put in by our contributing authors on this particular issue… At a time when it’s become increasingly difficult to obtain articles, reports and other contributions, we’ve managed to pull together a very respectable assortment of solid content for you to browse through in this edition.

On that note, I’d like to encourage all of you out there in kite land to jump on the band wagon and send us material from your part of the world… Interview your favorite kite flier, send us a report and/or photos from your kite vacation or a particularly good event you attended, share a kite plan or project that worked well for you, profile your kite club or use us for a little free press to promote an upcoming event in your area… That’s what we’re here for, and by sharing your information and knowledge, it further fuels the fires for other folks like us who have a shared passion in this amazing pastime.

Be sure to take a look at our Kites… Life article below for a sneak peek into some of the stuff we’re working on and some of the latest additions to our media archives, and as always, we heartily encourage you to consider becoming an official subscriber in order to get in on our regular prize drawings (cool stuff coming from Revolution and Skydog very soon) and the extensive library of video and magazine downloads we have in our forum.

Thanks to all for being a part of the kite life… I’m sure you’ll agree that we bring something very unique to the world with kiting’s incredible variety of offerings, how accessible it is regardless of age, creed or ability, I still believe in my heart that we create a bit more peace and kinship with every kite we loft into the air.

Cordially yours,

John Barresi
Kitelife Magazine

Next Prize Drawing to be held soon!