Nordic Kite Meeting (NKM) is a recurring event with contenders from all the scandinavian contries Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and Northern Germany. NKM is always held in a small town called Blokhus in Northern Jutland in Denmark. Despite of Denmark´s size and numbers of kitefliers, could we this year count 20 participants, including members of team Under normal circumstances members of team Aerialis from Norway/Sweden participants also, but because of the Norwegian nationalday, we have to wait until next year to fly with them.

I think, I speak on behalf of everyone, when I claim that NKM is not only about kiteflying but also about line laundry, animal based ground kites like ladybirds, pigs and elephants and banners in a lot of different colours. It is when flying a kite, no matter if it is a single line kites or dual line kites or quad lines kites, it is all about enjoying the movement of the kite when working on a routine or some stunts, that is the ultimate success when everything reaches a higher level and a total “buzz”.

Hopefully many kite fliers around the world can recognize that kite flying is only a part of a kite festival. No matter if it is a smaller festival were everyone knows each other and having fun with each other or it is a larger festival with lots of participants and lots of spectators it is all about having fun with a shared sport. What I am trying to tell is, that the really good friendship and fellowship there normal is in the kiteflying world also exists during NKM.

Old anecdotes are told, new is being created for future stories, socialize around the lunch table at the beach or around the dinner table, as everyone probably knows. It is not different in Denmark at NKM, it is just another language.

NKM started in 1999 by kiteteam Aerialis, which consists of Anders Matson, Sven Arnesen, Frode Kristiansen og Kjetil Sahlberg. NKM was the place where they met for training their international shows and over the years we danes came along. Over time NKM has envolved with more and more participants. This year is the first time the city of Blokhus are involved in the kitefestival because the kitefliers draws more locals and holiday guests to the beach, the shops in Blokhus gets an increase earning. So this year Blokhus has asked local volunteer to set up flying fields at the beach for us kiteflyers. And the also held some small other events at the town square to draw more people to the city.

The NKM first starts on a friday and continues on until monday up to some danish holidays, so that partipaticion can be as large as possible.

Up to this weekend, we have over the last few years started the week (monday-thursday) with a bootcamp for those who have the time and desire. It is funny what a week efficient training does to one´s ability to handle a Revolution Kite.

For this years NKM, we had booked a summercottage for 10 people and it was quietly filled out during the week with lovely people with “the kite fever”. When we were not on the beach flying the stage was set for plenty of fun. In this context KiteClubFoodie was founded, not at least when it was time to cook and there was not skimped on the ingredients when the goodies were created. Time passed quickly and soon we reached thursday when many of the remaining participants arrived.

In connection with the city of Blokhus has been an active player in this years NKM, they had scheduled some kite shows. This year team with captain Thomas S. Petersen and teammates Søren R. Andersen. Farid Warm and Mirjam B. Petersen stood for the kite shows. In addition to the two shows the team did a day with Revolution Kites, there were also flown a mega team show a day. It is a delightful experience when you over a period have trained for it, and you are left with the spectators and it is a huge succes, I can only recommend you to try it.

In addition to the scheduled performances, there was plenty of time to stand on your own or in a small group and fly your own routine or a common one. To stand and relax a little with your Revolution Kite, with a nice breeze in your back and the kite out over the water is a nice relaxing feeling while you can stand and watch the sunset over the North Sea.

With this, it must be said that not only quad line kites were being flown. There was also participation of two lined kites and they also clocked a lot of flying hours at NKM. Cosmic kites being ripped around the sky in a cascade of half axel, flip-flap, lazy suzy ect. and seen from the sand dunes, for an inexperienced person, it must be a great confusion of kites “running” around in the sky, but what a glorious sight it must be.

From the first eager kiteflier that stands alone on the beach at 7:30 am to all have arrived around 11 am, it must have their own charm to look at, but with one thing in common;

We are all kiteflyers who enjoy our sport.

In retrospect, I sit with the feeling that time has passed too quickly. NKM 2013 is over, and we are all looking froward to next year with longing, with the hope that next year will be just as good as the past several years. And Should you have the desire to participate, we will be delighted to welcome you as there is always room for a kiteflyer more.

Dan Frølunde