We don’t hear from our visitors HARDLY enough, and are always thrilled to post comments when we get them… It’s your feedback that helps us streamline, and gives us additional insight into what we do here.
I couldn’t begin to express how important your comments are, and I’d like to personally invite each and every one of you to share your thoughts with us… Positive or negative, drop us a line!
John Barresi
Excuse me for being tardy in thanking you for writing up the great story on this year’s WSIKF! And when I was talking to you at AKA, I had not even seen the full article in KiteLife. I had only seen the brief daily reports that you had put out during WSIKF, which I saw after I got home.
I have printed some of the pages from your article and will mail them to a cousin in Florida (who used to be a newspaper reporter in the days BEFORE computers!) and who still does not want or own a computer. She has read my letters with stories of adventures at WSIKF, and now can finally read another’s account of this exciting festival! And she will see that I am not the only one who gets excited in kiting!!
Hope you get to WSIKF again, and can join in on the fun of the mass flys, etc.
Sylvia Bernauer
Washington, USA
Thanks Sylvia! This was my first year to WSIKF, and it was a blast… Hopefully the first of many.
Great coverage of the convention. The only thing I am missing is 2 pounds of sand in my clothes and shoes, three hangovers, and a serious hole in my checking account. Having the Sport Kite results and news from the general meeting this quickly was great.
I hate missing the gathering of the tribes, but you are giving absent members the finest coverage of the convention that we could hope for. Heck, last year I read the updates when I got home from convention just to see what I missed at other end of the fields that I was on!! Thanks for all the hard work.
Craig Rodgerson
Michigan, USA Subscriber #22
Our pleasure… The daily updates have become traditional for us, and we hope to do this at a couple more events starting next year.
Just wanted to take a moment and say congratulations for your first place showings on multiline ballet and precision.
I enjoyed your daily updates on the Nationals. A job well done on all fronts.
Paul Fortin
New Hampshire, USA
KL Subscriber #12
It was good to be on the field again after taking a couple years off… 2005 should be a full season for me with dual, quad and team!
Wow! What an incredible job you’ve done covering the convention! Many thanks!
Gayle Woodul
Texas, USA
We hope to be doing the same from KTAI and Wildwood in addition to WSIKF and the AKA Convention next year… Looking forward to it!
Right off the top, GREAT JOB with the Nationals Updates. Lots of the Midwest gang kept track daily (on my urging of course), and especially posting the pictures of the score sheets from the SK comps. That was definitely THE BOMB. And as far as I know it is unprecedented in the 27 years of the Nationals for anyone to know the scores so soon unless they actually attended the convention. Well Done!
THANKS for taking us all along!
Al Hargus
Ohio, USA
Subscriber #20
Cheers Al, and sincere thanks for sending us so much great material for Kitelife… Your contributions have been invaluable!