
Cover Story: Profile by Pierre Fabre of French kitemaker André Cassagnes, regarded as “the father of French kiting.” Features: Mel Govig at the 3rd Biennial Thai International Kite Festival; George Peters at an impromptu “Natural Fibers Kite Festival on Tarutao Island in Thailand; Bill Tyrrell on testing the atmosphere over Christmas Island with kites; the 3rd annual Great Kite Lines Stunt Kite Survey. Departments: Letter from the Publisher: on using the Kite Lines research library; What’s New: Kites: the Flip-Flop Rokkaku from Carlisle Kites, the Maurizio Angeletti rokkaku, a Kissing Fish and Mother Fish from New Tech Sports and the Professor Waldof Conic Kite; What’s New: Books: Drachenreise (Kite Journey) by EppleGass, The Ultimate Kite Book by Morgan and The Fighter Kite Book! by Gomberg; Design Workshop: The Anytime Valentine by Shannon McGinnis; Tips & Techniques: an easy line adjuster from Steve Lamb, a candy dropper from Mel Govig and a convertible rokkaku connection from Kevin Shannon; In the Wind: fliers from 8 to 71 at the Hawaii Sport Kite Challenge and other news; SkyGallery: George Peters kites, Peters photos.

Cover Photo:

André Cassagnes of Vitry-sur-Seine, France with one of his ring kites, the beautiful and technically remarkable “Couronne (Crown) André Cassagnes” (CAC). These three-dimensional kites measure up to 13 feet (4 meters) in diameter. Some fly facing the wind, some fly flat. Photograph by Pierre Fabre. (Story, page 34.)

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