
Cover Photo: Grand National Champion kite at the AKA convention, Tanna Haynes’ “Lady of the Clouds,” photo by Valerie Govig. Features: Kites in museums around the world, including Davis, CA (by Stuart Allen), Haifa, Israel (by Yael Bat Adam) and Indianapolis (by Bret Waller and Tal Streeter); the rescue of some historic Gibson Girl box kites, by Valerie Govig; Pierre Fabre on the best Dieppe (France) festival ever; John Loy answers the question, “Why Do Kites Fly?”; the Korea International Kite Festival in Taejon, by Steve McKerrow with Debbie Rosen McKerrow photos; the unique fighter kites and dueling styles of Hong Kong, by Pierre Fabre. Departments: Letter from the Publisher: a tough year in the kite busyness; What’s New: Kites: the Mosquito from WindTools, the Beautiful Evil from Sky Delight, the Trick Tail from Active People, the Sonic from Buena Vista, the Owl from Sky Delight, the Dove by Jackite, the GA Pro fighter from Carlisle Kiteworks and the Mini Spirit from Omega; Design Workshop: Martin Lester’s Top Half; What’s New: Books: A Kite Journey Through India by Streeter, Cerfs-Volants, L’Art en Ciel (Kites, Art in the Sky) by Domage, Nagoya Koryu Dako (Traditional Nagoya Kites) by Sato, Not an Indian Fighter Kite by Crumplin, Flying the Rev by Taylor, and book news; For the Record: Dick Curran’s 8-plus hours with a “wine rack” quad-line, and an indoor duration mark in England; It Works for Me: a lightweight line hanger from Dave Watson and a bridling needle from Todd Little; Empty Spaces in the Sky: LeRoy Hoover and William E. Kocher; SkyGallery: Oscar and Sarah Bailey kites, photos by Oscar.

Cover Photo:

Tanna Haynes of New Tripoli, Pennsylvania shows her “Lady of the Clouds,” a 64-1/2″ nylon, graphite and fiberglass rendition of a 9″ paper and bamboo Chinese original. Haynes stiffened the rippled edges with Dacron and spent 300 hours to make this kite, the worthy winner of the 1996 AKA Grand National Championship. (See more about the AKA meeting on page 60).

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