Photo by Dan Whitney

Welcome to another issue of Kitelife, we’ve done our best to gather a wide variety of subjects and authors to best represent the various aspects of kiting… As I wander through various articles submitted for each issue, I can’t help but find my own interests broadening… Although a long time sport kite junkie, I’ve been seen a few times this year with only one string in my hand, and there are pictures to prove it!

Just as if it was the first time, I am still amazed at the very nature of kiting… Individuals who would otherwise be considered odd or misfit are often the most creative and colorful people in our humble pastime, most often able to leave their differences at home and share their inspirations, I am very proud to be a part of kiting community.

I am exceedingly pleased to announce the partnership of Kitelife and the Kite Classifieds… An excellent resource since 1999, the classifieds have served as a place for people to buy, sell and trade used kite goods with other fliers… Amidst the planning of this project with KC owner Charly Whitaker, we agreed that the added visitors drawn by Kitelife can only serve to increase the number of items one can find listed in the classifieds.

Another new addition to our site, be sure to visit the new Kitelife PhotoFiles… Visitors can upload and display their own photo galleries on line, and official Kitelife Subscribers can store up to 100MB of files! You’ll find a link in the navigation bar on the left.

Kitelife Subscribers receive a free entry into our great prize drawings every 4-6 weeks, access to exclusive photos and video, special recognition in our forum, 100MB of storage in PhotoFiles, and the assurance that they are helping us expand the envelope of kiting media… Sign up on the home page!

Also, don’t forget that  Kitelife will be doing it’s annual daily reporting from the AKA Convention held in Seaside Oregon this October… We make it a point to bring you the action on a night by night basis throughout the festival, so stay tuned – check out last year’s!

You’ll notice there are no letters to the editor in this issue, and that’s because there really weren’t any! I’d really love to hear from all of you… The good, the bad, even the ugly!  Please, tell us what you think of how we’re taking care of things around here by clicking on my name below or visiting the forum… You make the difference!

Cordially yours,

John Barresi
Kitelife Magazine

Next Prize Drawing to be held soon!