It’s hard to believe we’re already into Fall and another kite season is well on its way to being over! This past August marked my 20th year in kiting and it seems somehow appropriate that we’re returning to Seaside for AKA Grand Nationals in just over a week, the very same event and location where I saw kiting in all its glory for the very first time, talk about nostalgia… It’s a different scene these days, but the heart of the kiting community is still what I fell in love with and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens over the next twenty-plus years.

Without a doubt, I’d like to specifically tip my hat to a couple of dear friends and stalwart supporters who have been integral to generating and locating a significant amount of Kitelife content for quite a while now… David “Monkey” Hathaway and David “Geezer” Shattuck (must be a David thing) are regular contributors both in articles and photos, as well as in a good slap upside my head when its been needed, so to both of them, a heartfelt thanks.

Also before I forget, I’d like to remind you all that we’ll be doing our 8th consecutive (2003 onward) Daily Update from the annual AKA Grand Nationals and Convention during the week of October 11-16 so stay tuned via our email list, discussion forum, or Facebook page (you don’t need a FB account to see content) for a link where you can find the Daily Updates… We’ll also have some photos, highlight clips and the occasional video going up on our Facebook page as well.

Last but not least, I’d like to once again encourage those of you who enjoy and appreciate the various aspects of Kitelife to consider becoming an official subscriber… Its really our subscribers who make it possible for us to bring all of this content to the web, we couldn’t do it without their support.
We hope you enjoy this latest issue, and I look forward to seeing many of you at a kiting event somewhere in the very near future!

Cordially yours,

John Barresi
Kitelife Magazine

Next Prize Drawing to be held soon!