Educational Resources on the AKA Website

Kites can be used in the classroom as way to teach physics, materials science, aeronautics, aerodynamics and weather. Using kites for education provides an interdisciplinary approach to relate worldwide culture, history, art and language. Few things in history have such a broad, positive, ageless international appeal.

As a kite flier, you know that the applications of kites are extremely broad.

These days, paper airplanes are used frequently in classrooms but kites are rarely considered. And without a helping hand, kites can be problematic. But, kites can be built just as easily as paper airplanes and they provide reliable, controlled flight. A simple, inexpensive kite can be constructed using paper, thread and maybe a straw. Workshops can be completed in minutes and kites can be easily made from a wide variety of materials that are easy to find.

We recognize that the purpose of The American Kitefliers Association is to educate the public in the art, history, technology, and practice of building and flying kites – to advance the joys and values of kiting in all nations.

In order to educate the public the Education Committee of the American Kitefliers Associationhas created a list of education resources organized by topic. The resources are vast, fun, educational and free. The list of resources for the AKA web site makes teaching easier, varied, and more exciting. The resources encourage and enable teachers, students and anyone who wants to fly a kite to make further investigations.

These educational kite resources include:

[twocol_one]Lesson plans
How to fly a kite
Science and math
Videos[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]Kite workshop instructions
History of kites
Language and art
Physics and culture
Books and magazines
Activities for students
People to contact[/twocol_one_last]

Have you seen the AKA web site lately?

Let’s say that a teacher approaches you at a kite festival and asks you, “What they can do in their school?” You can recommend the guide, “Kites in the Classroom” and “Activities for Students” and “People to contact.”

Say that someone is puzzled about WHY kites fly? You happily recommend the kite physics and science links.

Say that someone wants to know the “trick to launching a kite?” You might recommend the guide, “How to Fly a Kite” or “Kite Flying 101” along with dual-line and quad-line tricks.

Say that someone wants to find supplies to build a kite. You recommend the AKA General Store with kite line for only $0.34 per winder. You also recommend kits, plans, knots, the kite talk forum and kite-making retreats.

Say that a parent wants to build a kite with their children. You recommend the lesson plans or a workshop or a video or a list of books and magazines. All are on the AKA web site.

Say that they ask where the word “kite” originated or they ask about the history of kites and where they began? Or where they can see a kite museum? Again, you can recommend the AKA web site resources.

Since these are all great topics our committee unanimously voted to make the resource list a part of the AKA website. The full list of resources is available online in the “AKA -> Resources -> Education Resources” section. Or go directly to:

This resource list makes it easy for everyone to get high-quality information about the “art, history, technology, and practice of building and flying kites.”

If you need help with workshops or demonstrations, the American Kitefliers Association has thousands of members worldwide. Many are eager to visit classrooms to show a myriad of kite styles and designs that are flown worldwide and year-round by all ages.

Thank you,

Glenn Davison
Education Committee Chairman
American Kitefliers Association

The AKA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public in the art, history, technology, and practice of building and flying kites.

Join the crusade at!