BaToCo – Barriletes a Toda Costa and Secretaría de Cultura, Deportes y Turismo de la Municipalidad de Vicente López held the first mega Kites exhibition called: “Los Barriletes, el viento y la alegría de volar” – “Kites, wind and flying’s joy”. The exhibition took place on The Convention Centre Saloon “Dr. Arturo Frondizi” – MVL – Buenos Aires. Our goal was to transmit our Kite World Art to the visitors, giving them information and advices about our culture, raw materials, shapes, activities, flying techniques and so on. Our exhibition began in Vicente López and our plan is to visit different places of our Country or go abroad in the future.

Nowadays BaToCo´s members have the knowledge and the leadership in Argentina’s sport kite. I would like to invite you to add at our project contacting to:

The Exhibition:
The Convention Centre is a huge place to do perform an exhibition of Windless Indoor fly arena because its surface is 750 square meters, the roof height is 7,20 meters and its walls are completely made of glass by big windows.

41 BaToCo´s members exhibited their kite sculptures. The Saloon was decorated with more than 200 kites that simulated the fly sensation.
The text and image explanations were made in 11 Banners, which inform the visitors about different kite’s concepts from simple to complex ones.

The panels were numbering from 1 to 11 like this:

  1. Exhibition meanings
  2. Kite Parts
  3. Kites types
  4. Argentinean Kites: Bomba – Estrella – Granada – Rombo- Tarasca.
  5. Curve Kites
  6. “Gran Dragon del Sur”: 24 Rokkakus Trains – 30 metres long. (Picture 10)
  7. 3D Kites and KAP (Picture 11)
  8. Deltas
  9. Sport Kites Outdoors (Picture 12)
  10. Sport Kites Windless Indoor (Picture 13)
  11. Small Kites (Picture 14)

The visitors, more than 2,000, were given brochures with additional information, inviting them to add of to our task, and explaining what kind of sport kite is.

Team Work: Exhibition

General Coordinator: Gustavo Sonzogni
Curators: Alicia Silman and Victor Derka
Designer: Pablo Macchiavello
Banner’s Script: Alejandra Val
Exhibitors: Gustavo Sonzogni – Alicia Silman – Claris Skoczdopole –  Raúl Ambrosetti – Adriana, Alejandra y Carlos Andujar – Lucas Arguello – Cecilia Banga – Alberto y Susana Barrero – Betty y Roberto Cassanello – Rosa Maria y Héctor Cesaretti – Leandro Demarco – Víctor Derka – Matías Diez – Daniel y Nicolás García – Samy Gilmarino – Lucas González – Melisa Gonzáles Val – Alejandra Val – Maria Elena García Autino – Carlos Hidalgo – Demian Licaveski – Pablo Macchiavello – Claudia Napoti – LAlo Loescher – Jorge Oswald – Guillermo Fernández – Agustina de Vedia – Andrea Della Bianca – Gabriel Acosta – Mabel González – Pedro Pappasidero – Norma Pozo – Silvina Serra –  Alejandro Uribe – Gustavo Di Si.

Windless Indoor show

Choreographer and Coordinator: Gustavo Di Si
Pilots: Violeta Antelo – Nicolás Di Si – Mabel González – Lucas González – Héctor Cesaretti – Roberto Cassanello – Pablo Macchiavello – Gustavo Di Si.
Special guess: Alejandro Uribe from Colombia.

Our windless Indoor Show:
The idea was to pay tribute to the Wind…letting it have a rest just for a moment. It was a picture from artistic vision… color, music, rhythms, movements, flying…where the “wind was an spectator”… where we played with the air… where the wind seemed to blow but nobody could feel it… where our kites laid on the air…where the amazing feelings made the difference.
I wander? What was could be the wind’s thoughts where it realizes that we did not need its power to fly? The wind stopped to watch us in fly?
…In any case you have to ask it…I assure that all the people present there felt its magic eyes… Wow!

Pictures Image Show:

Look, kite exhibition is similar to an artistic pictures or an sculpture exhibition. My thoughts round about that idea; therefore Indoors show has to keep the similar image in the routines, music and message.
Violeta Antelo and Nicolás Di Si flew the first picture image. Both 9 years old flew in pares Borelli´s Gliders kites, the Routine was “Voyage – Voyage” by Desireless. The message of the routine was to transmit to the audience an imaginary trip around different countries. Their fly was wonderful and in some pass of the routine they showed us how to fly 2 Borelli´s Gliders at the same time with independent controls. … WOW! …Could be the first step to fly MKF for those pilots…?

Mabel González flew the second pictures image with Borelli´s Glider kite. The Routine was “Con las Alas del Alma” (The wing’s of soul) by Julia Zenko. The Glider flews like a bird expressing she’s real feelings in time of music and artistic movements. I flew the third one, with Revolution 1.5 SUL.The Routine was “In the Air” by Phil Collings. Mi message…feelings came from a magic environment flying windless indoor. The last one was by the first Argentina’s Team Indoor – Lucas González, Héctor Cesaretti, Pablo Macchiavello, Roberto Cassanello and myself. Yes guys, I could meet 5 new Indoor pilots for the first time in Argentina, the pioneers, I’ll feel really proud for those guys; we flew 8 kites (single and stacked ): 7 Revolution Indoor and 1 Tetrafoil LSR 4 Cell Truss – Guildworks. (Picture 23)

The Routine was “Pictures of an exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky and simulated, that our kites were watching the kite’s exhibition in fly.
We flew in slow and majestic motions in time of music. Wow! Wow! Wow!.

Alejandro Uribe demonstration:

Alejandro from Colombia was visiting Argentina, we’ve got a new friend, so we invited him to participate on Exhibition and Windless Indoor Show. He flew an improvisation routine flying Revolution Indoor custom in time Techno Music. Great performance!

The Show’s closed with improvised routine from all pilots with music.
Roberto Cassanello and Lucas González flew Tango Techno music, Violeta Antelo, Nicolás Di Si, Mabel González and Héctor Cesaretti flew Techno music,
Pablo Macchiavello and Roberto Cassanello flew Tango music .

Alejandro Uribe and I improvised one of my old routines called “El Torero”.
As you can see, we enjoy a great Kite Day in family with lot of friends.
Nowadays, BaToCo like a pioneer and leader, continuing working to improve sport kite in Argentina.Eventually, I would like to invite you to participate on the next International Kite Festival:  “Wind Party in Buenos Aires 2008 – 5th Edition” – November 22 and 23; Organized by BaToCo and The Municipalidad de Vicente López.


See you and Good winds,

Gustavo Di Si