Below are two different songs from the late 1800’s that happen to have the same name “DON’T FLY YOUR KITE TOO HIGH”. In addition to the sheet music is a midi file to provide a listen.
[threecol_one]too High
Words and Music By
John T Rutledge Copyright 1879
Sheet Music
From the
Library Of Congress
Dowload the MIDI file![/threecol_one] [threecol_two_last]
It’s a good one and you should not pass it by;
It will no doubt benefit you and ’tis well that you should know,
It is John my boy don’t fly your kite too high.
Don’t fly your kite too high my boy,
For sometime it must fall;
A passing cloud may wreck it child,
You’ll lose the string and all.
How well I learn’d the lesson that to me was often taught,
But not without experience as well;
I did speculate and money lose till poverty o’er fraught,
And on my ear that maxim clearly fell.
Don’t fly your kite too high my boy,
For sometime it must fall;
A passing cloud may wreck it child,
You’ll lose the string and all.
Once more I gain’d a foothold on the bus’ness life of men,
And I watch’d the changes ev’ry day might bring;
Till once again success was mine as once the case had been,
And then it was I sat me down to sing.
Don’t fly your kite too high my boy,
For sometime it must fall;
A passing cloud may wreck it child,
You’ll lose the string and all.
too High
Words and Music By
Frank Sharpe Copyright 1878
Sheet Music
From the
Library Of Congress
Dowload the MIDI file![/threecol_one] [threecol_two_last]
But a fool and his money’s soon parted,
For he’s happy when cutting a dash;
But of one thing I wish to remind you,
When for sporting and drinking you sigh,
Your best friend you keep in your pocket,
And don’t fly your kite up too high.
Then don’t fly your kite up too high boys;
Don’t fly your kite up too high,
Your best friend you keep in your pocket,
And don’t fly your kite up too high.
If you go to a friend to assist you,
He’ll say that his money’s play’d out,
But when he was down, you to help him,
Put your hand in your pocket no doubt;
But this world it is cruel and cold boys,
Though good times may come bye and bye,
Your best friend you keep in your pocket,
And don’t fly your kite up too high.
Then don’t fly your kite up too high boys;
Don’t fly your kite up too high,
Your best friend you keep in your pocket,
And don’t fly your kite up too high.
There’s many a good natur’d fellow;
That’s been ruin’d by just what I say,
For if he’d a “Five” in his pocket,
He’d feel like a rich man today.
Just listen to me what I say boys,
If you’ve money, put some of it by,
When you’re out keep your friend in your pocket,
And don’t fly your kite up too high.
Then don’t fly your kite up too high boys;
Don’t fly your kite up too high,
Your best friend you keep in your pocket,
And don’t fly your kite up too high.