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About this blog

Notes on the kites I started with in the late '90s, and a record of recent additions to the bag o' tricks as I get back into the hobby/sport.

Entries in this blog

Unleash the Wild Thang

It was about 1995/1996 when I discovered The Kite Shop at the V & A Waterfront, Cape Town. I used to visit every opportunity I could, and eventually my dad bought me a Wild Thang Pro Carbon by High Flyers.  [I don't have any photos of the kites, but will add these in the future] The Pro Carbon version cost a little extra than the regular fibreglass version without standoffs. I remember the first time we took the kite out. It was overcast and threatening to drizzle, the "field" was an op


Knuckles_616 in Kite Bag Contents

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