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Photo Information

  1. Original File Size 50135
  2. Mime Type image/jpeg
  3. Image Height 400
  4. Image Width 340
  5. Color TRUE
  6. 2#130 3S
  7. IPTC.ObjectName INDIA/
  8. 2#007 ORIGINAL
  9. IPTC.Urgency 4
  10. IPTC.Category I
  11. IPTC.SupplementalCategories LIF ODD
  12. 2#022 GM1E5171CNK01
  13. IPTC.Keywords :rel:d:bm:GF2E5170PV501
  14. IPTC.ActionAdvised 0
  15. 2#135 en
  16. IPTC.DateCreated 20090107
  17. IPTC.TimeCreated 092610+0000
  18. 2#065 Reuters Picture Stream/MED
  19. 2#070 1.0.36
  20. IPTC.By-line AMIT DAVE
  22. 2#100 IND
  23. IPTC.Country India
  24. IPTC.OTR DEL05
  25. IPTC.Headline Kite-flying enthusiasts try to control a kite during their practice session ahead of 19th International Kite festival in Ahmedabad
  26. IPTC.Credit REUTERS
  27. IPTC.Source X01413
  28. IPTC.Caption Kite-flying enthusiasts try to control 50 feet in diameter "Windsock" kite during their practice session ahead of the 19th International Kite festival in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad January 7. 2009. More than 163 kite-flying enthusiasts from 36 countries will compete in the five-day long festival which starts January 10. REUTERS/Amit Dave (INDIA)
  29. IPTC.CaptionWriter AD/AH/SAN
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