Hello KiteLife! I have a week long vacation in Destin FL starting this coming weekend and I thought, maybe it would be fun to have a kite on the beach! So I've been looking around and doing a little research, and the more I look, the more questions come to mind.
Ok here's the skinny - I don't really see myself getting super-into this hobby (but I'm sure a lot of you thought that) so I don't think I am looking for a kite to "grow into". I am looking for something relaxing and enjoyable to bring to the beach, yet a little optional fun learning a dual line kite appeals to me. I checked wind conditions around Destin and they seem to average-peak around 8-9mph, which was lower than I expected. Do any of you have any thoughts as to a beginner dual line kite that would fit the bill? As in - is pretty tame/docile/easy to fly/good in low-ish winds... yet more interesting than single line kite?
I was initially going to get Prism's Zenith 5 single line kite, but after I started looking into Dual line I was thinking Nexus or Quantum - or the Beetle or Vision kite from another companies. Uhg. I guess what I am also wondering since I have no dual line experience is - do all dual line kites require constant attention to properly keep aloft, or can they be simply/easily 'hung' in the sky when desired(assuming steady wind) similar to single line deltas? 🙄
Thanks all for you help!