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About aifos

  • Birthday 02/05/1983

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  1. Yes i have...
  2. Hi. I'm a young kitebuilder. For a couple of weeks i've been looking for some plans over the internet. Some of you, that read this now, have had the same problem. People that say they have them, won't anwser our personnal messages, but keep saying in foruns that have them. We can search and search again that some plan won't be found. So... Theres space for all of us, kitebuilders. It isn't the fact that you are the only one flying that homemade kite that makes you a good kitebuilder. The fact that there are lost of that kite homemade, and your is still the best that gives you respect. I'm sorry for my bad english. I just wantted to share this with all of you. Thank you.
  3. aifos

    Blast plans

    kitebuilder.com is a good site... theres mutch we can learn there
  4. aifos

    Blast plans

    Hi ant man! The rev cueca is open... it doesn't have any tissue... My opinion.. do one... i designed that... You won't waist mutch ripstop... eheheh
  5. aifos

    Blast plans

    Hi! I've made some types of rev's. You can see my work at http://sofiamiranda.blogspot.com/ Now i would really like to do something like a Blast. I was wondering if someone could help me with plans? Thank you Sofia
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