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  1. Thanks! Yeah the hypnotist price tag is fair enough considering that the DVD alone sells around 24 USD. WAAAA! Widowmaker=my dream kite ehehe
  2. Is there a Torrent up for that prism DVD?
  3. After a few flights and getting the feel of the wind window. Im confident I could move to the next level ehehe( atleast i keep tellin myselft that ehehe) I currently have teh Nexus and my gf got the Quantum. I had my eyes set on the Nirvana but after i saw the price tag I think I could settle for the Ferenzy! ehehe! But its really hard to get your hands on r sky kites. so here are my options and a few questions: Hypnotist (looks just like the Q pro but with a design ) E2 (nice) Ferenzy my first choice but reaaly hard to find =( A bit pricey aswell. Now my Qs: can the Hipnotist and the E2 do a yoyo and all those tricks? Prism is pretty easy to get since its sold everywher on the net with very reasonable shipping rates. help pls?
  4. Thanks! John! ... If the kite doesnt give up on me that is! ehehe! are there tricks that the Nexus cant do? Im plannin to get an e2 tho... I think im the only one here with a stunt kite ehehe... will try to get my friends into it aswell ehehe!
  5. My video! HAHAHAHA! I dont know any tricks yet ahuhuhu!
  6. HI! im new! i just got my kite the other day and flew it today! Im getting the hang of this! =P thanks for all the info...I used a rock to hold the kite down on its back until i asked some locals (kids) to lend me a hand =P
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