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The Ax

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About The Ax

  • Birthday 07/08/1952

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Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Into Dual & Quads at the moment.
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Norwalk, Connecticut, USA
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Music, Geocaching, Autocross
  • Gender

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Advanced Member (3/7)



  1. The Ax

    Self-Built Kites

    My first attempt at kite building!
  2. The Ax

    Stainglass Kite Window

    I could not resist taking this picture of a window taken from an old New England church.
  3. Thanks Reef Runner .... I was about to head out for some surgical tubing, when I thought I'd check the size you recommended. The diagram does help. Cheers, Ray
  4. Thanks to all for the advise. I still have one spar that refuses to move, so I will try the "right grip" and a little wham, wham, wham ..... then I will purchase some surgical tubing. It's nice to know that I am not the only one who has this problem. Thanks again. Cheers, Ray
  5. The only place locally to fly my revs is at one of the state beaches. Each time, I have had problems removing the spreaders from the end caps due to sand (same with the leading edge). Does anyone have a quick fix for this ... aprat from stay away from the beach!! Thanks, Ray
  6. The Ax

    Hammoasset Kite Fest, CT 5/22/10

    First day of the Kite Fest.
  7. For the benefit of Mr Kite ......

  8. The Ax


    Pictures taken 4/12/10 at Sherwood Island State Park, Westport, Connecticut.
  9. The Ax

    The Ones That Got Away!

    Kites that become tree laundry. None of them mine!!!!
  10. Make sure you always wear safety glasses when flying ... Okay, just kidding! I have been flying kites on and off for the last twenty years. It's always fun to do the stuff kids do, especially at my age!

  11. The Ax


    KiteCam in Connecticut using FlyCamOne 2 and Delta kite.
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