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Everything posted by fearme

  1. So fella's today weather finally had abit of wind with clouds thought it was going to rain but took a chance anyways, as i can say i had it in the air for awhile once i got the hang of it. Flying around seems to be more easy then hovering the kite, at first i didn't know how to control it from turning right n left but now i do took me some crashes to find out, and boy is this kite durable lol... must of crashed it a dozen times today still all in 1 peiece. It was a blast those i gota admit. Thanks for the tip and all the help everybody gave me.. : )
  2. Yah i got fed up with it after the first hr, i'll try again trm hopefully it's more windy. The lines where all tied up when i unrolled it is there a better way to do this.?Its quad line by the way.
  3. Wow first flight took me 1 hr to get it up in the air once lolz omg... not as easy as it looks first off it took me a long time to untangle the darn thing then i spent about 20 min just to get it in the air, once in the air i had about 20 sec flight time before it came crashing down.. Is anybody in the toronto, ontario area which can lend a hand teach me a thing or 2.
  4. Ok is there any other pointers anyone can give me before my first test flight cause i don't know what im doing lolz... but comon sense enough both thumbs back will make it go up right.?lol
  5. Another great answer wow im glad i found this forum thanks guys very much. Well i just bought the kite and waiting for it to ship here cost me about 200 can dollars for the 1.5 sle rev.. the guy said he had it about 3 years but he never opened it so im guessing it's a 2008 model. I will post some pictures and let u know how the first flight test lol, i can't wait..
  6. think its 2008 model Its the Rev SLE 1.5 RTF.
  7. Alright here's another question i have is there any difference from a older year model rev from a 2011.?
  8. Hey guys im up here in canada any body know any site where i can get the kite for a cheap price so far i found is fun with wind they sell the kite for 301.75 plus 11.35 shipping to canada.. anybody know anywhere i can beat this price i would prefer buying from the US since the CAN dollar is strong right now... Just found a guy on graigslist selling a brand new sle rtf for $200 wow going to try to give him a call trm.
  9. Wow super good info on these kites thanks alot, thanks for the offer for the rods n kite but i need something for the moment to fit my buget so i think i might go for the sle. and just buy extra 1/4 rods for lite wind conditions.
  10. Hey everyone im new to the hobby and never flown a 2 or 4 string kite before but i wana start, and i was wondering which kite i should get either the exp or sle i want a kite which is very easy to learn on and i won't have to buy another kite later on, i just want a kite to fly around for fun no competition stuff. I would love to master it those and become an expert flyer. And what does it mean when ppl say 2 wrap or 3 wrap.?Also i hear ppl say if u get the sle tell the to give the 1/4 inch, shoot i for forgot whats the word lol. And should i buy extra parts.?
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