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Everything posted by Mic

  1. How big are your handles????
  2. Do you have some pictures?
  3. Thanks for your tps. i asked because probably i'll go to the stack european championchip in France at Fort Mahon and i heard that winds are very very strong there (sometimes gusty to 60 mph). I don't compete but i want o enjoy flying in those extrene conditions... if i have the right "animal" I never built my own simil-rev so it seems a bit complicated to start with a multi-vented one. Just for curiosity... do you cut the venting panels after you've assembled the sail or not? Thanks again, Michele
  4. Do you think a 1.5 vented can fly in that range? I've heard o Revs whith 3-4 vented panels o each wing but never seen one. Any suggestion? Mic
  5. I'm sorry not my intention to flood. I posted on the three forums just because i want to heard different opinions didn't think there are the same people all around. Mic
  6. I've just made two holes about 1 inch size in the 2 mylar parts on my Rev 1.5 SLE sails because of my quad sticks. I did a lot of flic flac and, maybe because of this, the sail ripped in exact point where the "T" connectors on the vertical spars meet the sail. What can i do? I have never sew a kite so i don't want to start whit this brand new one. I'm so discouraged Mic
  7. I recently put the quad stick on all my 3 rev (1.5 SLE, SUL and vented) but i find that them adds some noticeable weight on my SUL so, when i fly in winds in the range of 2-4 mph, this become a problem. Anyway if i remove my sticks in that condition, i don't like to see all those threads hanging from kite, and don't like the fact that they tangle all together. Any tips? Bye, Mic
  8. Thank you Jason, i've to try your very nice no-knot system! I've to buy some special end caps for that? Bye, Mic
  9. Ok, now i finally built up my quad sticks and they works very well Is it normal that the center of the sail doesn't remain well stretched when quad stick's lines are tensioned? I'm having a lot of troubles, also, in finding out some rubber washer like the ones used in between the bungies and the sail. What can i use instead for that pourpose? Bye bye, Mic
  10. How do you fix the stand off onto the vertical spar? Some week ago i bought 3 3PT skyshark spars for my 1.5 SLE thinking was the same think of the P300 spars but, as soon as they arrived at my house, i realized that wasn't the same think because they have a different diametr for each end and i can't ferrule 3 of them together! Now my question is... what can i do whit this kind of spars? Can i use as vertical spars or somenthing else? Any tips? Bye, Mic
  11. Thank you for your answer. It is very fast on 13 mph wind but it doesn't stop like my standard 1.5 and doesn't flic flac like him I use very long home-made handles but maybe i've to make a short line set. You mean You mean for the standard 1.5, not for the SUL... am i right? Can i replace the LE on the SUL with something stiffer? What do you use to connect the stick to the vertical spar? Actually i use a "T" conflex rubber connector but i've to use the same diameter for both sticks and spars because this kind of connector has the same hole size on both sides. Michele
  12. Please forgive me for the off-topic but i have to say this is a GREAT forum and i want to thank all the members that regulary write something here. I learned a lot rading this pages and, because i'm lucky to live close to a big and winted beach, i can practice evrything i learn, everyday. By the way, i flown my SUL in a 13 mph wind, it was a bit unstable, especially in reverse, but contrallable anyway. What's the max wind speed you flown your SUL in? There somenthing i can do to make this kite more snappy? Ciao ciao, Mic
  13. I just reserved my hotel in Cervia, i'll be there from saturday through monday, i'm sorry i can't view your geisha train Anyway i can't wait to be there... this is my first kite festival! Is it possible to buy some Revs during the festival? See you in Cervia. Mic
  14. Thank you everybody for your replies, i just came back from beach but i can't fly because there was a too strong wind. In this moment i think i should purchase a vented Rev For J.J.: I hope to be in cervia next week. If i will i'll find you and your team to say hello to everybody. Thank you again, Mic
  15. Just want to say hello everybody on this forum. My name is Michele and i'm from Italy. I started flying with a Rev EXP since last summer and right now i know almost all the basic manuvers. Now i've some extra money to spend and i'm thinking buying a rev 1.5 SMLE or a SUL. I was thinking of a SUL, because i've no much time to fly (cause of my job) and when i finish to work during the week (about 6.30 pm) the wind is very very low, almost non existant. I'm very temptend by the 1.5 SMLE, because i read on many places (and on this forum) that is more precise than the EXP, but i can't buy both the SMLE and the SUL. Another question. Actually i've just one set of lines for my EXP, the standard one that come with the kite, but i want to buy another backup set, just for safety. Wich one i have to buy? How much line's sets should i have to fly in diffrent wind condition? I use the standard EXP handles, but i saw a lot of Rev fliyers that uses a longer kind of handles, which is the main difference. Should i remove or modify the bridles to use that kind of handles? I apologize if i was a bit confusing but this is not my main language. Hello again to everybody, Mic
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