Just want to say hello everybody on this forum.
My name is Michele and i'm from Italy.
I started flying with a Rev EXP since last summer and right now i know almost all the basic manuvers.
Now i've some extra money to spend and i'm thinking buying a rev 1.5 SMLE or a SUL.
I was thinking of a SUL, because i've no much time to fly (cause of my job) and when i finish to work during the week (about 6.30 pm) the wind is very very low, almost non existant.
I'm very temptend by the 1.5 SMLE, because i read on many places (and on this forum) that is more precise than the EXP, but i can't buy both the SMLE and the SUL.
Another question.
Actually i've just one set of lines for my EXP, the standard one that come with the kite, but i want to buy another backup set, just for safety. Wich one i have to buy?
How much line's sets should i have to fly in diffrent wind condition?
I use the standard EXP handles, but i saw a lot of Rev fliyers that uses a longer kind of handles, which is the main difference. Should i remove or modify the bridles to use that kind of handles?
I apologize if i was a bit confusing but this is not my main language.
Hello again to everybody,