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  • Favorite Kite(s)
  • Flying Since
    2006 - it took a long time to get started
  • Country
    United States

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Newbie (1/7)



  1. Hi I am in Bellevue, WA for the week. After getting in late last night, I scouted a downtown park but it wasn't good for flying. Anyone know of any park or open space in Bellevue or near it that would be decent for kite flying? Thanks. David
  2. Hi I am in Bellevue, WA for the week. After getting in late last night, I scouted a downtown park but it wasn't good for flying. Anyone know of any park or open space in Bellevue or near it that would be decent for kite flying? Thanks. David
  3. Hi I recently purchased a Rev I. When I took it out today for the first time I noticed that the veritical and horizontal parts of the bridle on one side are not tied together (connected). Is this something I can easily fix? If so is there a diagram showing how I should connect these and the steps I need to take. The sail and spars look fine, it's just one side of the bridle is not connected right near where the end is to connect the flying line (it is near the knot where the larkspur knot goes is where the horizontal and verticle bridle lines are tied together). Thanks. David
  4. Hi I was on the Rev website and there is a technique for a snap turn but they don't explain how. Can anyone tell me how? Thanks. Often, when I turn, I find that the kite looses altitude. I am trying to figure out how to get both fast rotation and maintain altitude. David
  5. Hi Just started flying (ok it took a long time to get there, but hey we all have our own path to follow). It's been fun messing around, trying to figure it out. Read some posts last night. I was able to add a new trick or two today (maybe my 5th time out with a Rev and first time with a 1.5). Pretty cool, actually way cool. I am getting a kick visiting all the parks I know scouting out ones that are good for flying. It would be fun to see some other folks fly in person. Anyone know of a quad flyers in the Wisconsin area? If you did that would be fun. Well, I want to get up before the rain tomorrow and fly some more, so it's off to bed. Take care. David
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