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Everything posted by john030477

  1. I did a Google search for "Toronto kite" and got this: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=t...G=Google+Search Then I clicked on the Toronto Kite Fliers link and they have links to a bunch of stores. http://www.tkf.toronto.on.ca/ under the "Kite Links" button. Well after coming back from the vendor fair I attended in Toronto, I won a 20" widescreen lcd monitor that I didn't need so I sold it and bought a Big Bang (among other things). I'll be flying it tomorrow if mother nature cooperates. Not alot of explantion on the weights though. I guess I'll leave them the way they are for now. TTYL
  2. Then I'll hold off and buy a Big Bang when I get some extra cash. That way I'll get the DVD too. I'm going to Toronto for a few days. Does anyone know of any shops in that area?
  3. The New Jam is only $69.99CDN, and the Big Bang jumps up to $130, so for now, I'm going to hold off on the Big Bang unless I can work them down on the price
  4. OK, so I just bought the Pyro XS and loving this kite. My wife likes to fly it too and since I don't want to share, I wanna buy myself another kite. I can get the New Jam for the same price as a Pyro XS. What differences will I notice? Is the New Jam a good kite?
  5. Nowhere in Winnipeg sells that instructional dvd. I want it though, but seeing as how I don't have a credit card, it makes ordering online a little tricky.
  6. One of my lines has stretched and i need to shorten it. Do i untie the dacron knot, slide the dacron slip down and reknot it, cutting off the excess? Is there anything I need to be aware of? I haven't found good instructions on how to do it.
  7. Well, I went out and bought the Pyro XS. Beautiful kite! What a difference in performance, especially in light winds. The kite itself is much lighter than the Hurricane and it takes off with such ease. Turning has improved as well, much more responsive and fluid. I'm finding it hard to do a snap stall. Where should I be attempting the stall? In the power zone? Towards the edge of the window?
  8. Well I'm returning the Hurricane from Go Fly A Kite. This kite is useless. All the fittings are becoming loose. I was doing a wingtip stand and the wingtip rod splintered. The spectra line snapped after 2 days of use. They also carry New Tech kites. Can someone please recommend a kite from this company that's for intermediate to expert? Is the Cherry Bomb a good choice? Please help a complete noob. Thanks
  9. The problem is where I live we have one store that carries stunt kites and it's either I buy A (Go Fly A Kite) or B (Go Fly A Kite) There isn't a lot of selection here. It looks like eventually I'll be buying a better quality line off the net. Any recommendations?
  10. I bought a Hurricane dual line stunt kite from Go Fly A Kite yesterday and today i was able to fly it. I learned to take off by myself and I was able to perform figure 8's with ease. I also did a series of loops and I was practicing drawing squares in the air. It was a lot of fun. I was also experimenting with the edge of the wind, seeing if I could get the kite to hover. I had one problem though, I was doing a clockwise loop and pulling on my left handle to turn out of it when the line snapped around 6 feet up from the handle. Should 150lb stunt line break so easily? It wasn't even very windy. It was around 10-15 km/h.
  11. I'm really new to flying and I'm trying to figure out what exactly is the bridle? Can someone post a pic or explain it to me?
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